How many live Persian chinchillas?

When you come to the breeder to get a little funny little animal, the question arises: "How many years live chinchillas?" Sometimes they do not ask about it aloud, but in the head such a thought always arises. So how many Persian chinchillas live in captivity? Usually not more than fifteen years, but it happens that some live up to twenty.

What should you do to make your animal healthy and live a long time?

How much chinchilla will live depends entirely on your care for it. For the normal development of the pet, a balanced diet is necessary. It is impossible not only to overfeed the animal, but also to give it human food. The diet and maintenance of the Persian cat should be observed.

In the diet you need a dosed presence of vitamins , you can supplement with supplements that the specialist advises. Do not give nuts, salty, smoked and sweet.

For Persian chinchillas need special care, although, as for all cats, for chinchillas are provided various kinds of vaccinations. Therefore, to feed the chinchilla it is necessary exactly the food that the breeder will advise. The change in feed may affect the stool.

In addition to food, you need to think about the temperature regime. In the summer chinchillas should not be hot, because it can lead to a thermal shock at the animal. And in the house there should be no drafts, and do not allow direct sunlight to fall on the chinchilla.

Features of the breed

By the way, many for some reason think that the Persian chinchilla is such a furry animal. But this is not so. Just the color of the cat is unusual, so it got its name from the South American beast. And the breed of chinchillas is not independent, but a variety of Persian cats.

In order for the chinchillas to live a long time, you will have to follow all our recommendations. Especially, to monitor the condition of the animal's fur, which is rather dense, long and quickly tangled. Regularly the cat needs to be washed and combed with a comb with wide teeth.

In this case, the chinchillas flattened nose. And this prevents them from breathing normally, they often snore and snort. Tear ducts are often blocked. Therefore, you will have to constantly monitor the state of the animal's eyes, the allocation of which discolour the hair around.

But the chinchilla itself is a sweet and charming cat that can become an excellent devoted friend for you, even a family member who will give you all your loyalty and warmth.

Chinchilla on the street

A species of Persian breed - Persian chinchilla - can not live alone. Trying to bring out a new kind of cats, breeders created a special breed that is not adapted to the conditions of the outside world. First, because of the structure of the skull, problems with the eyes, long hair. By the way, do not forget to follow her in the area of ​​the paws between your fingers.

The second reason is the deafness of blue-eyed white Persians, which may appear in the progeny of your chinchilla. They should not be let out of the house at all. They do not get in touch with their fellows easily, they can easily get under the car - in general, there are a lot of dangers. Even in an apartment it is better that the cat is on a firm surface to feel the vibration of the steps. And try not to cross a deaf cat with a hearing one, you can get a very weak offspring. But if a white deaf kitten has a dark speck, there is a chance that with age he will be able to hear.

As for molting from chinchillas, it is very strong, especially in the summer. Licking yourself, the Persian chinchilla can swallow its own wool, and this leads to a blockage of the intestinal tract. Here, without the help of a man can not do.