Grass dried flower

One of the representatives of valuable plants used in folk medicine is the grass of a dried flower or cat's feet. Dry flower has a fluffy inflorescence, collected in a basket, resembles the cat's paws in appearance, which is why its second name originated.

Therapeutic properties of grass dried flowers

The composition of the plant includes:

Useful properties of dried grass grass include:

Funds based on dried flowers soothe, help with insomnia, and are also used for severe heartburn.

Basically, the dried flower is shown when:

Grass dried flower to improve vision

If you regularly drink decoctions from this herb, then your eyesight will improve (especially with glaucoma, cataracts).

Necessary ingredients:

Preparation and use

The broth is poured with steep boiling water. The broth should be infused for up to four hours. Drink a remedy every three hours for one teaspoonful.

Medicinal properties of the herb in the case of varicose veins

In the case of varicose veins, the dried flower is used for bathing.

Necessary ingredients:


Water bring to a boil, add the dried flower, and turn off the fire (cook as a compote, only without sugar and you need to let it brew for up to ten hours).

Dry onflow with oncology

Also, dried flowers are used as a means of treating malignant tumors. For this, a decoction of several herbs is prepared. There are: