Bearish fat - the secrets of effective use

The body of animals that fall into hibernation, in advance accumulates valuable vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to support life during the winter. For this reason, on the eve of cooling, experienced hunters go on a bear. Its fat is considered a very useful natural product, which helps from a variety of pathologies.

Bear oil - medicinal properties

The described agent is characterized by a unique combination of rare chemical compounds capable of providing the body with energy even without food coming from outside. All that bearish fat is useful is due to its composition, which includes:

Thanks to the content of these substances, the fat of a bear is so highly valued - the medicinal properties of this product are very numerous:

Bear oil - contraindications

Before using even natural products, it is important to consult a qualified physician. Bear fat is an active biological additive, so it can not be used in the following cases:

Many parents are interested in whether bearish fat can be given to children, especially with frequent respiratory diseases. The presented product is allowed to be ingested only after 3 years. If the child is younger than the legal age, you can not give him bearish fat, even in minimal portions. In this situation, it is recommended to use the product exclusively externally, in the form of rubbing. Before applying, it is important to check the tolerability of the product and make sure that there is no allergy to it.

Bear oil - application

There are 2 options for using the product in question - the external and internal method, they can be combined. How to apply bearish fat depends on the purpose of therapy and the presence of contraindications, individual reactions of the body to the agent presented. Natural fat can be used to treat many diseases and solve cosmetic problems, skin care and hair.

Bear oil from cough

The described agent should not be taken internally in its pure form. Purified bear fat in bronchitis , tracheitis and similar diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a strong cough, it is recommended to mix with honey or warm milk. If the above products start allergies, you can grease a piece of bread with bacon and eat it with herbal tea.

Standard single dose of bear fat for adults - 1 dessert spoon. This amount of the product dissolves in a glass of milk or is applied to 1-2 slices of bread. Preheat fat is not needed. It becomes soft even at room temperature. When the product is mixed with honey (1 tsp), the portion can be increased to 1 tbsp. spoons. Use the drug should be 2 times a day for 1 hour before meals.

Another method, how to apply bearish fat when coughing, involves rubbing the chest and back. This is a controversial therapy, the effectiveness of which is not proven. External application of fat in official medicine refers to distracting techniques that are not beneficial. Trituration with fat leads to clogging of the pores, which is why the sweating and cooling of the body slows down. This provokes an increase in body temperature, an increase in inflammatory processes and theoretically contributes to the activation of immunity, but does not affect the state of the respiratory tract.

Bear oil from stomach ulcers

The product has healing and enveloping abilities, accelerates the regeneration of mucous membranes. Bear oil helps normalize digestive processes, acidity of gastric juice and improves the release of enzymes. With a stomach ulcer it is recommended to undergo a monthly course of treatment, you can repeat it 2-3 times a year, as directed by a gastroenterologist. The way to take the bearish fat corresponds to the standard - 1 dessert or a tablespoon 1 hour before meals. Therapy should be combined with conservative drug treatment and diet compliance.

Bear oil from pressure

A natural remedy reduces the level of cholesterol in the body and strengthens the vascular walls. Internal bearish fat prevents the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques and prevents the formation of thrombi. It dilates blood vessels, so it normalizes blood pressure, removes signs of hypertension and arrhythmia. In addition, the product improves the rheological composition of the blood and increases the concentration of hemoglobin. The method of use is identical to the previous instructions.

Bear oil from psoriasis

The internal fat of the animal does not completely cure this pathology, but it can significantly reduce the severity of its symptoms, especially in the early stages of progression. Treatment of bearish fat skin lesions on the background of psoriasis involves regular application of funds to sick sites. You can apply the product in a thin layer and wait for absorption, or apply gauze dressings impregnated with bacon.

Bear oil contributes not only to healing of existing psoriatic spots, but also prevents the appearance of new plaques. The natural product stops the processes of putrefaction and necrosis (withering away) of soft tissues, slows the spread of pathology to healthy areas of the skin. It provides relief of unpleasant symptoms - pain, itching and peeling of the epidermis.

Bear oil from burns

These regenerating properties of the described agent are used in the therapy of thermal damage to the skin. The melted fat of the bear accelerates the restoration of tissues after deep burns, qualitatively disinfects wounds and prevents the attachment of bacterial infections. Treatment involves daily application to affected areas of gauze napkins, densely oiled with bear fat. To change such a compress is recommended 2 times a day, until the burns begin to heal.

Bear oil from hemorrhoids

With inflammation of the veins of the rectum, this product is desirable to apply in a complex, both systemically and locally. The way how to use bearish fat inside is similar to the treatment of stomach ulcers. Due to the regular reception of the remedy, constipation disappears, the consistency of fecal masses and intestinal motility normalizes. External application consists in treatment with fat hemorrhoids 2-3 times a day. "Cones" should be lubricated with a thin layer of fat after a gentle washing in warm water. Local treatment helps relieve pain and inflammation, reduce the swelling of the hemorrhoids.

Bear fat against wrinkles

The presence of polyunsaturated acids Omega-3, 6 and 9 in the described product determines its value in the cosmetology sphere. Properties of bear fat include activation of the production of collagen and elastin, due to which the skin is noticeably smoothed, becomes elastic and dense. Based on this tool, you can make masks or use it as simply as possible - apply a thin layer instead of a night cream.

Another point, from which helps bearish fat - the withering of the skin against the background of excessive dryness. The product is rich in vitamin E and proteins, therefore it deeply moisturizes, intensively softens and nourishes the epidermis. Fat creates a microscopic film on the surface of the skin. It prevents the loss of moisture and reliably protects exposed areas of the face and body from negative weather influences.

Bear oil from hair loss

When alopecia remedy is used as an auxiliary cosmetic care. The use of bearish fat for the scalp is to increase blood circulation, accelerate metabolic processes and saturate the bulbs with nutrients. Before washing the hair, you need to lubricate the product with the epidermis along the prunes and make active massage with your fingers. After 10-15 minutes you can proceed to water procedures.

Bearish natural fat can be used instead of balm for hair. Systematic application of a substance on strands helps to restore their structure, especially after damage by staining, chemical wave and other aggressive manipulations. Bearish inner fat will give locks strength and elasticity, elasticity and shine, prevent them from breaking and delamination.