Stomach ulcer - causes and treatment of peptic ulcer

Gastric ulcer is known to 14% of the world population. Among the sick are more likely to come across men 20-50 years old. The course of chronic, acute manifestations are characteristic for the autumn and spring periods. Lack of treatment will accelerate the progression of the lesion, which can result in death.

Gastric ulcer causes

The disease develops due to the following factors:

  1. Helicobacter pylori - on account of the bacterium up to 75% of cases of onset of the disease. It poisons with the products of vital activity of the organ wall, after which the gastric ulcer develops. Infection is through saliva, food, common household items, in utero.
  2. Medications (non-steroidal inflammatory drugs) are aspirin, ibuprofen, indomethacin. The risk increases with age over 65 years, large doses of medications, simultaneous admission with anticoagulants and individual hormonal medications, bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract. Both hypertensive and potassium-containing drugs are a hazard.
  3. Consequence of other problems - diabetes, oncology of the lungs, gastrointestinal problems, syphilis.
  4. Internal damage - sepsis, shock conditions, organ trauma, cold or ordinary burns.
  5. Genetics - the probability of developing a disease is higher if it is present in close relatives. And the statistics confirm that the stomach ulcer is 40% more likely to form in people with the first blood group.
  6. Stress, bad habits, unbalanced diet. To some extent, even the abuse of coffee can provoke this problem.

Complications of peptic ulcer

  1. Stenosis of the gatekeeper. The dietary department decreases, the food stagnates. With the initial form there is a belch and heaviness in this zone. The last stage leads to vomiting immediately after ingestion, weight loss, dehydration, convulsive muscle reactions. The stomach can not miss anything in the intestines because of the final narrowing.
  2. Perforation. Stomach ulcer leads to the appearance of a hole in the wall, through which the contents of the body pour out. The result is pain and peritonitis.
  3. Bleeding. The probability of a lethal outcome is high. There is vomiting, tarry, black stool, a drop in pressure, shortness of breath, severe sweating, and a heart rhythm failure.
  4. Penetration. The place of the damaged shell of the stomach is occupied by the organ that is next to it - the pancreas, intestine, gall bladder, liver. The acid begins to corrode this organ, leading to a disruption of its work.
  5. Malignization. Observed in 3% of cases, means degeneration into cancer. This is more prone to calles education. With this transformation, a person begins to lose weight, loses an appetite, frequent vomiting and fever.

Gastric ulcer - symptoms and manifestation

If you suspect a disease, you should immediately go to the doctor, timely diagnosis will do with therapy. In 25-28% of cases, signs of stomach ulcers do not make themselves felt, it is known about the disease becomes only in the process of autopsy. For this reason, it is desirable to have regular examinations if there is an increased risk of developing a disorder in this part of the body.

Signs of a stomach ulcer - the first symptoms

  1. Pain in the upper abdomen. It is observed in 75% of patients, can have different strength. Sometimes the sensations become brighter after taking alcohol, ingestion of spicy food, with physical exertion or a prolonged break between meals.
  2. Heartburn. It is often supplemented with symptoms of stomach ulcers in the early stages. It begins because of the irritation of the esophagus with acid. It occurs in 80% of cases, occurs 1-2 hours after eating.
  3. Enhancement of gas formation.
  4. Nausea, sometimes vomiting. Appears due to a violation of the motility of the body, begins 1.5-2 hours after eating. Passes with the release of the stomach, which provokes a self-induced vomiting.
  5. Ingestion of appetite. If the patient has a stomach ulcer, the first symptoms can be accompanied by such behavior. It is explained by fear of experiencing new pain or problems with the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Feeling of heaviness after eating.
  7. Belching with a sour or bitter aftertaste.
  8. Fast feeling of satiety.
  9. Problems with the stool. Gastric ulcer causes constipation, diarrhea it causes less.
  10. Gray coating on the tongue.
  11. The pain of the epigastric zone during palpation.

Attack of stomach ulcers - symptoms

  1. A sharp pain.
  2. Muscle tension in this zone.
  3. Vomiting.
  4. Constipation.
  5. High sweating.
  6. Nausea, heaviness.

Pain in case of gastric ulcer during an exacerbation can be caused by:

Perforation of stomach ulcers - symptoms

This disease threatens life due to the development of peritonitis , which requires immediate surgical intervention. The perforated ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, the symptoms of which are markedly expressed, appears more often in men, women are protected by estrogens that inhibit secretory activity. Relapses occur in 6% of cases. There are three periods of the current, each has its own characteristics.

Chemical. Lasts 3-6 hours:

Bacterial. It starts 6 hours after the problem occurs:

Acute. It develops 12 hours after the onset of the disease, it is almost impossible to save the patient:

How to treat a stomach ulcer?

The operation is applied only in the most severe form, in other cases therapeutic methods are used. Peptic ulcer disease requires an integrated approach, one remedy is not to eliminate it. First, the activity of the pathogenic bacteria is eliminated, then they work on the regeneration of the lesions. Treatment of stomach ulcers may require the administration of drugs to eliminate the effects of stress. The whole process of recovery takes 2-6 weeks, depending on the severity of the problem.

Gastric ulcer - treatment, drugs

  1. Antibacterial medicines - Clarithromycin , Amoxicillin, Tetracycline.
  2. Gastroprotectors are medicines for stomach ulcers to protect and restore mucous membranes. Ventoksol, Kaved-s, Solkoseril, Biogastron.
  3. Means for obtaining protective coating and inhibiting bacteria - Sucralfate and De-nol.
  4. Antacids - Kael, Almagel, Gastal, Maalox. Relieve pain, reduce acidity.
  5. Proton pump blockers - Omeprazole, Nexium, Rabelok.
  6. Holinotics - Gastrotsepin and Metacin. Reduce acidity, relieve pain and dry mouth.
  7. Spasmolytics - Drotaverin, No-shpa. Relieve pain and spasm of the stomach walls.
  8. Prokinetics - Itopride, Motilium. Stimulate motor skills, prevent stagnation of foods in the stomach.
  9. Probiotics - Lineks, Bifiform. Are necessary for restoration of microflora, if antibacterial treatment of gastric ulcer is used.
  10. Sedatives - Valocordin, Validol, Codeine phosphate.
  11. Antidepressants - Amitriptyline , Elenium, Tazepam.

Gastric ulcer - treatment with folk remedies

  1. Potato juice. You need to take three times for half an hour before meals at 20 grams for a week. During the next seven days, the dose is doubled, the third - three times. Then, until the end of the month, you should drink 100 grams at a time.
  2. Infusion of plantain. Folk treatment of stomach ulcers implies the daily intake of tea from the dry leaves of the plant, boiled with boiling water (1 tablespoon per glass).

Gastric ulcer - operation

Not always therapy is possible, sometimes treatment of a stomach ulcer is required to be performed surgically. This is done in the following cases:

The operation can be assigned when:

Eating with stomach ulcer

The disease requires the exclusion of irritating mucous products and provide dosed meals at least 5 times a day. You also need to know what you can eat with a stomach ulcer:

Diet in case of gastric ulcer should exclude: