Propolis from a cough

Propolis , which is a natural product, has a powerful therapeutic effect, allowing you to reduce symptoms already in the first stages of treatment. Propolis from cough can be used as an independent product, and as a component of drugs designed to combat various inflammatory processes.

Treatment of cough with propolis

The product has become one of the most important anti-cold agents due to the following properties:

Propolis with cough can be applied in different ways:

  1. A piece of propolis is simply chewed like a candy. In the same way, a piece of sugar impregnated in an alcohol tincture is used.
  2. For treatment it is recommended to do inhalations. Add 60 grams of propolis and 40 grams of beeswax to a bowl of boiling water. Covered with a towel to breathe above the steam for ten minutes. Do the procedure twice a day.
  3. Rinsing with a solution (5%) of propolis and water is prescribed with pharyngitis. In case of chronic course of the disease, the throat is lubricated with a tincture (30%) of propolis diluted 1: 2 with glycerol.

How to drink propolis with a cough?

Alcohol tincture is suitable for internal use. In water, dilute 20-30 drops of the drug and drink three times a day. The drug is recommended to drink to people with weakened immunity in the prevention of diseases in the fall and winter. The agent takes a course of ten days, and then make a break for at least the same period.

Milk with propolis from cough is another way of internal use. Milk is one of the most important means, which are used for colds. It, interacting with propolis, effectively copes with the first signs of disease, improving the body's resistance. A glass of milk will require twenty droplets of tincture. Drink preferably before bedtime. To "lubricate" the throat and eliminate perspiration, butter or cocoa butter is added to the formulation.

And here's how to treat cough propolis to people who are intolerant of alcohol, as well as small children:

  1. Crushed propolis (80 grams) is ratsiruyut with butter (half a kilogram).
  2. Move to the steam bath for twenty minutes.
  3. After that, the mixture is filtered and taken three times a day, washed down with warmed milk.