Tkemali from yellow cherry plum - recipes of delicious Georgian sauce

Tkemali from yellow cherry plums - the recipe is simple and affordable for cooking at home. And the taste of this Caucasian sauce is simply excellent, it fits well with all kinds of meat dishes. You can cook it just like that or prepare it in the winter.

How to cook tkemali from cherry plum for winter?

The most delicious tkemali sauce from yellow plum is popular with everyone from the first test. The technique of its preparation is very simple: the fruits are cooked to softness and the resulting pulp is ground in puree. The following recommendations will help even beginners to cope with the task perfectly.

  1. This sauce can not be prepared without seasoning, and therefore spices for tkemali from cherry plums play an important role. Garlic, mint, pepper and greens are ingredients, without which cooking is indispensable.
  2. Alycha can be steamed in a double boiler or boil them to make the berries just softer.
  3. If the bones in fruits are easily separated before cooking, it is desirable to extract them immediately.

Simple recipe tkemali from cherry plum

Tkemali from yellow plum, a simple recipe of which is presented below, can be attributed to the classic version of the preparation of this sauce. From the green, dill, coriander and mint are used. If you do not have a burning pepper at your fingertips, you can take a mixture of peppers and adjust the gravy of the sauce to taste.



  1. Wipe the softened cherry plum through a colander, salt, sugar.
  2. On a low heat, cook for 15 minutes, stirring.
  3. Grind greens, garlic and together with pepper add in mashed potatoes.
  4. Cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Lay out tkemali from yellow cherry plum to the banks, pour oil on top and roll.

Tkemali from cherry plum - Georgian recipe for winter

Recipe tkemali from yellow cherry plum in Georgian will help at home to prepare an excellent Caucasian sauce . It perfectly combines not only with meat, but also with fish dishes. It is important that the plum is ripe, then the excellent taste of the dish is guaranteed. Spices before adding to the sauce can pre-grind in a mortar.



  1. Boil a cherry plum 15 minutes and merge.
  2. Add garlic, coriander, salt, crushed herbs, sugar, saffron and pepper to the resulting mass.
  3. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, dilute the liquid from the plum arycha. You should get a consistency like sour cream.
  4. Cook the tkemali sauce from the yellow cherry plum for 20 minutes in the winter, distribute to the cans and cork them.

Tkemali from yellow cherry plum with ready-made ajika

Recipe tkemali from yellow cherry plum for the winter with the addition of ready-made Adzhika allows you to prepare a very fragrant and spicy sauce. In addition, it is not necessary to use herbs and spices here, it is enough that it is contained in adzhika. If the sauce is harvested in the winter, then the cooking time is increased to 20 minutes.



  1. Alycha is cooked until softened, and then it is scraped.
  2. Add adzhika, garlic and cook for 10 minutes.

Tkemali from cherry plum with tomato paste

Tkemali from yellow cherry plum, the recipe of which is presented below, is prepared with the addition of a ready-made tomato paste. This is not exactly a traditional cooking option, but it's worth trying, because the sauce is incredibly tasty. Of this amount of components, about 3.5 liters of tkemali are obtained.



  1. Pepper, herbs and garlic are ground in a blender.
  2. Alycha is cooked until softened and rubbed through a sieve.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients in the mashed potatoes and stir.
  4. Give the mass to boil and boil for 20 minutes, stirring.
  5. Hot tkemali sauce from yellow cherry plum is poured over containers and sealed.

Tkemali from cherry plum with tomatoes - recipe

Tkemali from yellow cherry plum with tomatoes , a recipe that takes root in all the housewives, who at least once tried it. This sauce will be an excellent alternative to various purchased ketchup, because it is prepared solely from natural ingredients, does not contain harmful preservatives, and therefore it turns out much tastier and more useful.



  1. Alycha is separated from the stone, water is poured, boiled for 10 minutes and rubbed through a sieve.
  2. Grind garlic, pepper, tomatoes and greens in a blender.
  3. Add honey, sugar, vinegar, salt and all this is spread in puree.
  4. Cook tkemali from yellow cherry plum for 10 minutes in the winter, and then distribute to the banks and cork.

Tkemali from cherry plum with hops-suneli

Tkemali from yellow cherry plums, the recipe of which is described below, has a real Georgian taste, because it contains the whole set of herbs and spices - coriander, mint, garlic, pepper and hops-suneli. The latter component gives the sauce a special piquancy. Depending on your personal preferences, spices can be used more or less.



  1. The cooked cherry plum is ground to a puree state, spices, greens, pepper, garlic, sugar and salt are added.
  2. Boil the tkemali sauce from the cherry plum with the hops of suneli for 10 minutes and pour over the jars.

Tkemali from cherry plum in the multivark

The recipe for making tkemali from yellow cherry plum in a multivariate does not differ from the traditional one. All also need to soften the fruit, and then using a sieve or a blender to mash and boil with spices. If the billet is intended for long-term storage, then for better preservation in the mass at the end, you can add 20 ml of vinegar.



  1. Alycha is placed in a bowl, filled with water and in the "Soup" mode, it is cooked for 5 minutes.
  2. Bones are removed, and the flesh with greens, peppers and garlic is ground with a blender and in the "Quenching" mode, 25 minutes are cooked.
  3. Finished tkemali from yellow cherry plums in a multivark is laid out on cans and rolled up.