Why do they dry their lips?

Dry lips not only spoil the appearance, but also cause a lot of inconvenience - they often crack and flake. Therefore, with dry lips it is necessary to fight, starting from the earliest stage.

This problem can occur at any time of the year in both the adult and the child. Before embarking on its elimination, it is necessary, first of all, to determine why the lips dry, and then try to eliminate the cause causing this trouble.

Dermatologists formulated the main causes, which cause the lips to dry:

What should I do when my lips dry?

Lips become dry gradually. Our body signals in every possible way that it loses its moisture. If you recognize these signals as early as possible, you can quickly get rid of the problem. Before the lips become very dry, the following symptoms are observed: white saliva, reddening of the corners of the lips, difficulty swallowing. In this case, the lips themselves can not externally not change. When the symptoms listed above, it is urgent to take action.

  1. First you need to eliminate the cause of dry lips. To do this, you should limit or completely stop using lipsticks and balms, and replace toothpaste.
  2. Use natural moisturizers for the lips. These funds include: cocoa butter, petroleum jelly, honey.
  3. Lips are strongly not recommended to lick. This can only aggravate the problem and cause the appearance of wounds and cracks. It is very important to explain this to the child, because the dry lips of the child cause a constant desire to lick them.
  4. It is necessary to establish food. From the daily diet directly depends on the state of our entire body. Many problems can be avoided, if you eliminate harmful foods, and add fresh vegetables, fruits and greens. Dermatologists say that the reason for dry lips is often hidden in malnutrition.

How to treat dry lips?

Of course, every person, first of all, wants to get rid of the unpleasant sensations associated with dry skin of the lips. In order to moisturize the lips and make them softer, you can use special masks. The best means when the skin of the lips or their corners dry is sour cream and honey. From these products, you can easily prepare a natural mask that will quickly remove all the symptoms: