Face mask from persimmons

One of the products that can come to the rescue in creating nutritious and moisturizing face masks in the autumn-winter period is a persimmon. This fruit contains a large number of vitamins A, E, C, potassium, iodine, iron, other minerals, organic acids and antioxidants. Thanks to this composition, persimmon masks are suitable for almost any type of facial skin, they nourish, tone and tighten the skin.

Recipes for persimmons from persimmons

Mask of persimmons for oily skin of the face


  1. Mix 50 grams of persimmon pulp with one tablespoon of vegetable oil (it is best to take linseed, almond or olive) and two spoons of yogurt.
  2. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes.
  3. Then it is washed off with lukewarm water.

Persimmon mask for normal skin


  1. Flesh of ripe persimmons mixed with egg yolk, one tablespoon of vegetable oil and a tablespoon of cream.
  2. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes.

Persimmons mask for dry skin

Prepare and apply the mask as follows:

  1. The pulp of persimmons is mixed with olive oil and honey (on a tablespoon).
  2. Apply on the skin for 20-30 minutes, so that useful substances have better absorbed.

When sensitive skin persimmon for the mask is recommended to mix with cottage cheese and sour cream or low-fat yogurt. The choice between yogurt and sour cream is made depending on how much the skin is prone to fat. For a greasy skin, it is better to choose yogurt, for a creamier one, sour cream.

Mask of Persimmon from Acne

Persimmon itself has bactericidal properties, so to treat the rashes it is possible to use its flesh in its pure form. The perfect option is a mask made from a mixture of thoroughly grated persimmon pulp and whipped egg whites. This mask helps to narrow the pores and prevents the appearance of acne. You can also prepare any persimmon mask for the appropriate skin type , replacing it with vegetable oil, sea-buckthorn, which has antiseptic and wound-healing properties and improves blood circulation.

Cleansing Face Mask

Mix two tablespoons of persimmon pulp with a tablespoon of rice flour. For oily skin it is recommended to replace rice flour with starch, preferably corn.

All masks are applied to the face skin for at least 15 minutes, after which they are washed off with cool or slightly warm water. It is preferable to apply and flush funds with a cotton swab, a special brush or sponge.