Japanese massage from wrinkles after 40 years

As practice shows, Japanese massage from wrinkles after 40 years helps very effectively. Not for nothing because Japanese women always look young. It seems that over the years the skin of their face does not undergo any changes. Is that better it becomes.

Japanese facial massage against wrinkles

Japanese drainage massage is the best prevention of aging. In addition, if you perform the procedure every day - and it's not difficult to do it at home - it will help:

The technique of Japanese facial massage from wrinkles

Doing a massage, keep your posture and do not lean your head on anything:

  1. Attach three fingers to the center of the forehead, and then with effort pull them to the temples. The back of the hand is pressed to the forehead and descends to the ears. In the end - fingers on the contour of the face go down to the collarbone.
  2. While performing a Japanese massage against wrinkles around the eyes, draw a line from the outer to the inner corner in the lower and upper eyelids with your fingertips.
  3. Push your fingers on the hole in your chin, and after a couple of seconds move up to the dimple above your lips.
  4. Move from the pits near the wings of the nose down. Move to the bridge of the nose, and from there to the cartilage near the ear.
  5. To stretch your cheeks during Japanese massage from wrinkles, stroke the skin in the corners of the mouth, moving to the upper jaw. Go to the eyes and temples. Finish procedure at the tips of the ear.
  6. Rest your palm on the lower jaw. A pair of fingers glide to the eyes and to the cartilage in the ear.
  7. Three fingers on the cheekbones. The nostrils are compressed, and after the fingers are withdrawn to the ears.
  8. Hands on chest. A chin is placed on the palm of your hand. Pressing movements are made. After the palm of the hand move over the face, and the thumbs go to the ears. The palms are held on the cheekbones and forcefully withdrawn to the ear cartilage.
  9. Combine the palms in front of the face. The thumbs point to the neck, and press the forefinger. Palms open a diamond. With your thumb, massage your chin, and the rest to your temples through the lower eyelid.
  10. The elbows are divorced, and the fingers of the left hand easily stroke the forehead with zigzag movements.