Chamomile for the face - effective application of wrinkles and pimples

Chamomile pharmacy can be called the most famous and common medicinal plant, recognized and folk, and scientific medicine. These flowers are able to take care not only of our health, but also of beauty, so there are many recipes that use chamomile for the face.

Chamomile - properties

As a medicinal raw material, inflorescences of chamomile are used, the collection of which is carried out in the initial period of flowering, when white petals are directed upwards or are arranged horizontally. At this time the plant contains the greatest amount of useful biologically active components and is capable of long-term preservation of medicinal qualities. If the raw material is collected late, when the petals have already been dropped, some of the nutrients, including essential oil, are lost.

The properties of chamomile are found due to numerous studies, experiments, long-term experience of application. We list the main therapeutic effects observed when using drugs based on chamomile inflorescences:

Chamomile for the face - benefit

Due to its chemical composition, rich in organic acids, vitamins, microelements, bioflavonoids and other valuable ingredients, the chamomile properties for the skin are versatile, exerting a complex effect on the tissues. It should be noted that the extract of chamomile is introduced into many cosmetic products, and many brands of cosmetics have their own "chamomile" line, which includes creams, tonics, masks, face lotions. The benefits of chamomile for the face is in such effects:

In view of the above qualities, chamomile for the face is suitable for any type of skin, including very sensitive, prone to irritation and inflammation. Influencing gently and carefully, the preparations based on this flower help in solving various cosmetic problems:

Chamomile for face from acne

For a long time, chamomile for skin is considered one of the most effective remedies against acne eruptions, which can be detected both in adolescence and other periods of life for various reasons. Regardless of what factors cause the appearance of pimples, chamomile flowers with external application help to quickly eliminate an ugly rash and prevent the development of new inflammatory elements. Thanks to antimicrobial and regenerating effects, chamomile for the face helps to cleanse the skin, prevent the occurrence of post-acne.

Camomile for face from wrinkles

Famous pharmacy chamomile for its anti-aging properties. Its application makes the skin more elastic, taut, smooth, fresh, helps to smooth wrinkles. This is due to the fact that the flowers contain substances that activate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin tissues, which slow down the natural aging processes and neutralize harmful external influences. Effective chamomile for the skin around the eyes, which not only smoothes the mimic folds of the skin, but also relieves dark circles and swelling, visually rejuvenating the face.

How to apply chamomile?

Chamomile for the skin can be used in different forms. Preparations on its basis are easily prepared at home, and it is quite possible to replace almost all purchased cosmetic products. It is worth considering that some people have an individual hypersensitivity to certain substances that contain flowers. Therefore, a test should be carried out in advance, applying a small amount of chamomile to the inner part of the wrist or the ulnar fold. If within an hour there are no visible changes on the skin, or unpleasant sensations, chamomile can be used.

Chamomile broth for the face

The most common and universal drug based on chamomile inflorescences is a decoction. Preparing it from dried raw materials, you can use this product instead of water for washing - in the morning chilled, and in the evening slightly warm. In addition, it is recommended to use it as a lotion, wiping the skin with a cotton pad. Especially effective is a decoction of chamomile from acne, with oily and problematic skin.

The recipe for broth


Preparation and use

  1. Put the raw material in a saucepan, pour boiling water.
  2. Put in a water bath and steamed for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove from the heat, leave the broth to cool.
  4. After cooling down completely, pour boiling water to the original volume.

Chamomile infusion for the face

Chamomile infusion can be prepared not only on the basis of water, but also on the basis of milk or vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, corn or other). It is recommended to use the funds for the following purposes:

Recipe for chamomile


Preparation and use

  1. Put the raw material in the thermos.
  2. Pour over the freshly boiled liquid.
  3. Insist for at least half an hour.
  4. Cool, filter.

Chamomile for the face - ice

Cubes of ice from chamomile for the face - not only an excellent tool for daily care, but also an expressive method for quickly bringing the skin in order - eliminating fatigue, dullness and puffiness. You just need to freeze the water infusion or broth, using special molds, and it will always be at hand if necessary. Wipe clean skin followed by massage lines, without delaying at one point, so as not to cause hypothermia. Such cryoprocesses plus to all contribute to the strengthening of the walls of the vessels and in a matter of seconds pull together the enlarged pores.

Chamomile for face - mask

In the composition of masks, chamomile is often recommended for dry facial skin, prone to peeling and irritation. As additional components are used natural products that have an emollient, moisturizing, tonic effect and deeply nourishing skin tissues. Here is one of the effective recipes, which uses chamomile infusion, the method of preparation described above.

Honey Oat Mask


Preparation and use

  1. Honey mix with flour.
  2. Add warm infusion, mix.
  3. Apply to clean skin for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Chamomile for the face - a compress

In the form of compresses, chamomile is used for sensitive skin, in the presence of inflammation, allergic rashes, to treat the effects of an insect bite. Cold compresses tone, refresh, and hot compresses improve blood circulation and purify pores . For their preparation, a decoction or infusion of camomile flowers is used, in which it is required to moisten cotton fabric or folded four times cheesecloth and apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes.