Pulpit tooth - what is it?

Many people are afraid of an illness called pulpitis of the tooth, although not everyone knows what it is. In fact, the disease is not considered serious and is treated by a dentist. It occurs in almost 20% of the world's population. The disease is an inflammation of the cavity in which the nerve - pulps is located. The cause of the onset can be several, from caries to the ingestion of chemicals.

Pulpit tooth - what is it, and how to treat it?

Most often, the inflammation of the pulp is due to infection in it. The first obvious symptom of the disease is a painful reaction to the temperature drop, sweet, salty and other irritants. If the pulpitis progresses, acute pain may occur. In some cases, unpleasant sensations spread to the entire jaw and at the same time are given to other parts of the head.

If the disease is not treated, most often the infection goes beyond the tooth, affecting the root and neighboring tissues. Thus, the ailment develops into periodontitis .

Causes of Teeth Pulpitum

There are several main causes of inflammation in the tooth pulp:

  1. The microflora of the oral cavity is the main factor influencing the development of the disease. Even if the disease has appeared because of another, the microbes immediately join the existing inflammatory process.
  2. Caries. If the tooth lesion is deep, pulp for a long time irritates microorganisms. Through the damaged thin wall of the tooth, the nerve starts reacting actively to hot, cold, sour, sweet and other irritants.
  3. Thermal burn. This can happen during filling or prosthetics . Most often during preparation for these procedures.
  4. Injury. If cracks or chips appear in the pulp, infection may occur.

The disease is pulpit wisdom tooth

On third molars, adverse factors affect just as well as on all the others. Pulpit of these teeth is manifested and treated just like any other. The problem is that they usually have an incorrect location, can not be cut or the mouth opens not completely. All this prevents normal access for treatment. That is why it is recommended that wisdom teeth, which are affected by this ailment, be immediately removed.

Pulpitis of anterior tooth

When the disease of the front teeth inflammation of the pulp can be seen even the person himself - it is visible through the layer of enamel. In some cases, pain can occur not only in the affected area, but also in the opposite side of the jaw. Treatment begins with pain medications of medium and strong effectiveness.

The choice of a specialist who will conduct treatment should be thorough and scrupulous. After all, in the restoration of the front teeth, it is important not only quality, but also aesthetics.

How to remove a sharp pain with a tooth pulp?

For some people, unpleasant sharp sensations in the jaw become a surprise. Usually acute pain speaks of the development of pulpitis. Therefore, it is best to go to a specialist. If for some reason there is no opportunity to visit the doctor, pain can be temporarily removed with the help of painkillers. So, for example, help: ketanov, baralgin and nurofen. It is not recommended to take them before going to the doctor, as their action can disrupt the picture of the disease, which will prevent the dentist from correctly diagnosing.

Take painkillers on an ongoing basis can not, otherwise the disease can take a chronic form, which threatens the appearance of many complications. In addition, frequent use of painkillers harms health in general.