Weigel shrub

Weigel, a bush with abundant and fascinating blossoms, can be the pride of any gardener. The plant itself is unpretentious, but only if the correct conditions of cultivation and care, it will please its owner with large flowers in the form of a bell and gentle pleasant aroma. Weigels bloom twice a year - in spring and late summer. Shrub is rich in the coloring of buds: yellow, purple, cream, pink bells are found. It is noteworthy that barely opened buds of wagelas first have a pale color, and then gradually become brighter. The plant is represented by 15 varieties, among which only three have become established in our region - Middendorf, early and pleasant. So, if you are determined to enjoy the flowering of this beautiful shrub, read the recommendations on how to care for Veigel.

Planting wagons

Since this shrub is quite thermophilic and prefers light, when choosing the place for its planting one must adhere to several requirements. It should be a well-lit glade, protected from drafts. It is better to give preference to the southern side of any country house. It is important to find a place where there is no stagnation of moisture in the earth - the wagel does not accept this. For a bush suitable loose fertile soil with a neutral reaction: loamy or sandy loamy. In Vaigels planting seedlings should be carried out in the spring after thawing the ground, but before the appearance of the kidneys. To do this, dig a hole 40 cm deep and put fertilizer ( compost ), sand and gravel with a layer of 15 cm at the bottom. If you plant several bushes, the distance between plants should not be less than 1,5-2 m.

Veigela: growing and care

Basically in Veigels, care should include sufficient watering, especially in hot summer heat. After each watering should weed the ground under the crown of the bush. To reduce the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the earth in May, it is recommended to mulch a layer of 4-5 cm from sawdust or peat.

In the early spring, the wagels carry out pruning of damaged and weak shoots. It is necessary every two to three years to rejuvenate the plant and form a beautiful crown of the bush. In spring, it is necessary to make additional fertilization by mixing superphosphate, urea and potassium salt in a ratio of 1: 2: 1.

Since the soft climate is the most suitable for the wagelas, it is better to prepare a winter shelter for its bushes in the cold season. They can be a layer of dry foliage, coniferous lapnika, covered with film or spunbond on top.

Often many gardeners are wondering why the wagel does not bloom. If you also had such a problem, it could be caused by insufficient watering, low illumination of the place and stagnation of moisture in the soil.

Reproduction of the Weigels

The plant can multiply by seeds, layers and cuttings. But all the same, the best rooting takes place in the Weigel when propagated by cuttings, and summer ones. Their preparation is recommended in the middle of summer. For propagation cuttings, wegels need to use last year's young shoots up to 12 cm long. For better rooting cuttings can be placed in special stimulating solutions (for example, Kornevin) for 10-12 hours. After this cuttings are inclined to drop into boxes with soil, mixed with sand, to a depth of 7-8 cm. At the top of the "beds" you need to cover with a film to create a greenhouse effect. Cuttings should often be watered and sprinkled with water, so they can get well rooted. Next spring the plants are planted in open ground.

When following the recommendations for planting and care for Veigel, its cultivation will give you a sea of ​​positive emotions: minimum effort, maximum colors!