Back pain below the lower back

On pain below the waist in European countries, about 30% of patients who seek help from doctors with a symptom of back pain complain.

The age of patients thus has a large range - from 30 to 60 years. Pain below the lower back is a nonspecific symptom and can occur with various diseases.

Causes of pain below the lower back

To determine the true cause of pain below the waist, you should pay attention to the nature of the pain and the attendant symptoms.


The most common cause of low back pain is the deformity of the joints of the lower vertebra. Cartilages with osteochondrosis soften, break down, and then build up with growths that can squeeze nerves.

Because of the compression of the nerve, there is a sharp pain in the spine below the waist, which can give far beyond its limits. It has a sudden character and is amplified by movement. Gradually, the pain with osteochondrosis acquires a permanent character, if the disease is not treated.

Gynecological diseases

Pain below the loins in women can occur due to inflammation and infections in the pelvis with gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.

Also, the cause of such pain in women can be the uterine myoma, which is localized between the muscles.

Another reason related to gynecology, and causing a pulling pain below the waist, is an ectopic pregnancy.

Because of the seriousness of the possible causes of this symptom, women should pay special attention to the state of health and analyze whether there are irregularities in the menstrual cycle or to determine whether the course of pregnancy is normal for other indicators.

Oncological diseases

With oncological diseases of the vertebrae and spinal cord, the pain gradually increases and intensifies.

Vertebral fractures

This cause of pain below the lower back is explained by the elementary physical trauma of the vertebra, which is easy to diagnose by symptoms and with the help of an X-ray - the pain in this case has a sharp sharp character, and the person is either completely immobilized or restricted in movement and occupying a certain position (sitting, lying).

With proper treatment, pain sensations disappear, but residual aching pains are possible with untimely care.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Acute aching pain below the lower back can occur if the digestive tract is disturbed - with appendicitis and intestinal obstruction , as well as strong constipation.

In this case, the pain in the abdominal cavity extends to the region below the back.

Kidney Disease

The pain below the waist on the right behind or on the left, if there is a high temperature, may indicate that the cause of it is the impaired renal function. Along with this in this case there are other symptoms - swelling of the tissues, general weakness, violation of urination.

Non-infectious inflammatory diseases

With rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and Reiter's syndrome, pain can occur in the lower lumbar region due to inflammation. As a rule, the pain for this reason is saved by drugs with NSAID substance.


Also, the pain in the lower lumbar region may arise due to stretching of the back muscles after monotonous monotonous physical work or in performing complex physical exercises without prior preparation.

Often such a symptom can be observed in people who have long occupied an uncomfortable position.


With scoliosis, which progresses, a person can experience constant aching pain in the area below the waist. This is due to the displacement of vertebral discs, which irritate the nerve roots.

Scoliosis is accompanied by pains on the 3rd and 4th degree of deviation, which corresponds to 26 to 50 degrees of the angle and more than 50 degrees, respectively.