St. Bernard Dog

The history of the St. Bernard breed dates back to the time of the monks living in the Swiss Alps. It was there that the St. Bernard dogs crossed difficult passes, helped anticipate the descent of avalanches and rescued people who fell under them. In addition, because of their impressive size, the dogs were used as pack animals. A lot of stories have survived about how the St. Bernards saved lives for people and children buried under avalanches.

Description of the breed St. Bernard

St. Bernard - a very large, powerful, strong dog, its weight can reach 100 kg, and growth from 80 cm at the withers. A large head of representatives of this breed with a broad forehead and a weighty muzzle passes into a strong neck with a large collar. The thick shiny coat has an average length and an undercoat that protects from moisture. Color is white-red, with any shades of red color.

St. Bernard is of a good character. The dog is faithful, balanced, obedient. St. Bernard and the children get on very well. A dog likes to be a part of the family, she needs constant communication.

Large size implies special education. Training St. Bernard should begin with puppyhood, when you need to teach the basic commands. If the process is exciting, and the owner is consistent and calm, then St. Bernard can gladly perform any team.

Care for St. Bernard

Do not be afraid of caring for the hair of this big dog: it does not get tangled, does not form coils. Nevertheless, you will still have to comb the hair of St. Bernard. It is enough 1-2 times a week, and when molting, which takes place twice a year, it is better to do it more often. Choose a brush with a stiff bristle.

As for washing St. Bernard, it is not recommended to do this in the cold months, as the wool contains a special frost and waterproof grease. Use a mild shampoo for washing animals.

St. Bernard requires eye care. Their anatomical structure means daily wiping with a tissue moistened in clean water. At the first signs of inflammation, use tetracycline ointment. If the infection continues, please contact the veterinarian.

St. Bernard is characterized by increased salivation, especially after eating, so it is recommended to wipe his mouth and monitor the condition of the teeth.

Nutrition of St. Bernard

St. Bernard is a large dog, eating about 1 kg of dry food per day or 3 kg of natural food per day. The food of St. Bernard can include:

It is better to use freshly prepared food or to warm it up to the necessary temperature, without salting and not adding spices. If you do not have time to cook, pay attention to the dry feed of premium-class brands.

Contents of St. Bernard

Because of its considerable size for housing, St. Bernard is best suited for a country house with a large plot where he can live in an aviary or in a house and spend a lot of time on the street. But as practice shows, St. Bernard in the apartment, too, feels good. In this case, do not forget about the full exercise for your pets. St. Bernards are inactive, but they like long walks. Regardless of whether the dog lives in an apartment or in an enclosure, it needs at least 2 hours of walking per day.

With proper care, upbringing, the St. Bernard dog will become a good, loyal friend for you and your family, will get along well with the children, and the guests will be touched by her upbringing and good temper.