Aviary for dogs with their own hands

Now there is a large selection of ready-made cages for dogs, but many are eager to make them themselves. Someone does not fit the standard design, and others its price. Some of them themselves want to equip their favorite dwelling to make it as comfortable as possible. The cost of the finished product is quite high, but the materials are not cheap either. And in order to build a quality cage, you need to have some skills. At home, you may not always have all the necessary devices and tools at your fingertips, and you'll have to ask a specialist for help. Before you start creating your own home pet cage for dogs, it's worth thinking and counting. It is possible that it is better to do only some of the work yourself, but let other specialists carry out more complicated preparations.

Building an enclosure for a dog

  1. To begin with it is necessary to be defined with the sizes of the future building. After all, an aviary for small dogs , naturally, that will differ from the construction for a large animal. If the maximum size will be limited only by your imagination and capabilities, then the minimum parameters should be determined based on your pet's measurements. The standard size of the enclosure for a dog is calculated as follows:
  • The choice of the location of the street enclosure for the dog. In the northern regions they have a facade to the south, and in the southern regions, to the south-east or south-west. It is necessary that he stood on the hill, and that the dog had the opportunity to hide from the sun.
  • We choose materials for the manufacture of the product. It is better to choose one that will be safe for your pet. When using boards, our design will be safe and reliable. One of the walls of our design can be a ready-made wall of a garage or other structure. Best of all, if you pre-sketch a simple drawing that will help to take into account all the nuances of the future design.
  • Next you will need to prepare a site for construction. It is best to concrete it or put asphalt. If this still does not work, then you can cover the ground with a roofing felt or put it on. Then we make a border, on which we will mount our structure. Its height can be about the size of a couple of bricks. What is it for? It is necessary to ventilate the space between the platform and the enclosure, which will allow it to be blown and remain as dry as possible.
  • We now turn to the manufacture of the floor. The most environmentally friendly and comfortable for your dog will be a wooden covering. It is warm and easy to clean. When you make an aviary for a dog with your own hands, it is advisable to adjust the boards tightly and without gaps, so that the pet can not get injured. To ensure that the floor does not sag, it is advisable to install the shield on firm supports. These can be logs or a specially welded frame.
  • Let's start making the walls. One or two of them need to be made solid. For this, a tree or corrugated board is suitable. The rest can be built from a grid. The gap between the bars will make about 10 cm. Here, in the lattice, will be the door of our enclosure.
  • After the construction of the walls, proceed to the roof. It can be built from any quality material - corrugated board, slate, galvanized metal, metal. The main thing is that there should be a slope for the drainage of water, so one wall is made 10-15 centimeters higher.
  • How to equip an aviary for a dog? Be sure to make for her a wooden box in which your pet will sleep. Then select a separate angle for the feeder and a bowl of water. Only now your dog is provided with everything that is necessary for a comfortable life.
  • Thus, it is possible to build an enclosure, both for a large dog, and for a small one. Comfortable conditions for keeping are the guarantee of her good health and long life.