How many aquarium goldfish live?

Fish is a creature sensitive to everything that surrounds it. To notice her illness, discontent or hunger is very difficult. Proper care for her is the only way to prolong and simplify her life.

How long do goldfish live?

The lifespan of a fish depends on many factors. There is a certain pattern: small inhabitants of aquariums live 1-5 years, medium (5-10 cm) - 10-12 years, large-size - 15-35 years. Catfish, carp, sturgeon and at all can survive a person. Sprouting carp-like representatives, for example, notobranchies, live in puddles, die right after the pond drying, the eggs survive. Even if you breed them at home, they will live only a few months.

Most experts are inclined to believe that the average age of a goldfish is 4-5 years, in good conditions and professional care a pet can live 10-15 years. There is information that the fish lived 34 years in one of the zoos in Moscow, 43 years in the UK.

Factors that affect the life of the "golden" inhabitants of the aquarium

On how many live aquarium goldfish, the water temperature directly affects. Fish - cold-blooded animals, that is, their body temperature is almost equal to the temperature of the water in which they are. Warm water speeds up metabolic processes, the body will wear out faster. The color of the older specimens is more colorful in comparison with the young.

Can quickly kill your pet and improper feeding. Remember that the feed should not only be dry. Overfeeding is more harmful than underfed. Periodically, it is necessary to do unloading days for "golden" handsome men.

The population of the aquarium and its size are important for the normal existence of fish. Before buying individuals, make sure that they are compatible and will not survive each other. Do not forget to change the water. Professional aquarists say that a 150-200 liters capacity is ideal for fish.

Following these rules will significantly increase the chances of your pets to become long-livers.