Chihuahua - description of the breed

This little funny dog ​​with a strange name came to us from North America, where, according to the legends, she lived among the Indian peoples and was considered a sacred animal and a kind of talisman. The tribes believed in her miraculous abilities, so they took care of her with special respect, even putting servants to her.

Until today, a reverent attitude towards the Chihuahua remained unchanged. This breed belongs to one of the decorative and is, perhaps, the most popular of them.

Chihuahua dog - description of breed and character

Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dogs on earth. Its average weight is 1-3 kg, and the height at the withers does not exceed 15-23 cm. Externally, the dog looks well-built, almost square, with an apple-shaped head and a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle.

This breed is excellent for keeping in the apartment. Moreover, on snowy or rainy days, she can do with a cat's tray instead of walking. It is very convenient to take it with you, even on long trips.

The level of her activity is below average, the dog does not require frequent walks and long classes. But he loves to play. Going out with her for a walk, get ready for active games for half an hour.

Very carefully, you need to treat large dogs walking nearby. Because of excessive courage and fervent temperament, the Chihuahua can "ask for" a fight. And the strength of her character is unlikely to save her fragile body from the teeth and paws of other dogs.

The purpose of the Chihuahua breed dog is friendship and support. And, despite the excellent innate watchful instincts and fearlessness, she is unlikely to be a security dog. She simply does not allow her modest size.

Among the indisputable virtues of the breed - affection for the owners, playful character, yielding to training and education, she does not need complicated care and special conditions of detention, but she is very vigilant in the role of watchman.

From the lack of character - sometimes these dogs can be very aggressive, so that without education and training can not do. Sometimes they are too zealous in protecting the owner. In addition, they are very fragile and require careful care.

Dogs of the Chihuahua breed can become an excellent companion for a lonely person, growing up child and for all those who are not ready to spend much time and energy on cleaning the house of wool.

But do not start this dog if you do not tolerate dog barking well (chihuahua is barking loudly and very often), if you have small children in your house or you are not ready to seriously engage in a dog.

Species of the breed Chihuahua

There are two varieties of this breed - smooth-haired and long-haired Chihuahua. Smooth-haired have a short coat with a silky sheen that fits close to the body. Long-haired, however, have a thick undercoat, a collar around the neck and a tail suspension. Wool can be straight or wavy, but never curls.

Regardless of the type of hair, the color of the dog can be any colors and shades, monochromatic and spotty. If you deal with the description of the breed of longhaired Chihuahua, it should be noted that they are calmer than smooth-haired.

How to choose a chihuahua puppy?

When buying a puppy, it should be 6-8 weeks - this age is considered optimal, because smaller puppies are still too sensitive to environmental changes, and older ones are not so flexible in matters of upbringing.

Determine the future nature of the pet at this time is still very difficult, so just rely on your intuition. If you are offered to take an adult doggie, do not discard immediately. Probably, he has already been brought up as needed, especially if he took part in exhibitions before that.