Diets for diarrhea

Every person who knows this problem is ready to do anything to get rid of it - and diarrhea diet is one of the important measures that should be taken. Due to a violation of the intestinal absorption function, water loss occurs in many important minerals - potassium, sodium and calcium. Because of this, the kidneys, the central nervous system and even the cardiovascular system can suffer.

The psychological causes of diarrhea

The causes of diarrhea can be very different, but if you do not see any food problems, then it's probably worth talking about psychosomatic nature. This is called emotional diarrhea.

The person in this case is prone to fears because of the demands that others make to him, or even he makes himself. A person feels helpless because of a mismatch, because of fear of failure. Often such a phenomenon is observed before the exams, an important meeting, etc. Often this is due to the fear of change.

In this case, you can cope with the disease if you set small tasks before yourself, gradually increasing their importance. Do not assume all at once, divide and cope with problems in parts. Every success will lead you to getting rid of fears.

Diarrhea: treatment and diet

The main thing in a diet with diarrhea is to drink the necessary amount of liquid, because otherwise all the body systems suffer greatly. There are special powders for solutions - "Regidron", "Toast" - they need to be planted and drunk according to the instructions. In addition, warm alkaline mineral water, a weak tea with lemon is recommended. It is important that the liquid is supplied continuously - every 15 minutes. The amount of water you need to prescribe a doctor based on various factors. No diet for adults with diarrhea can do without it.

Many seek to limit nutrition, but in this situation fasting only slows the restoration of bowel functions. The diet required for diarrhea includes the following foods:

In addition to this list of assumptions, one should not forget about the list of strict prohibitions. Diet in acute diarrhea requires a complete rejection of such products:

In addition, it is also necessary to limit the consumption of sugar, and in all types. Nutrition during frequent attacks of diarrhea must be withstood strictly, so as not to prolong this unpleasant phenomenon.

Diet for diarrhea: an approximate menu

To make it easier to navigate, we offer you a simple example of a one-day menu that can be used both during a period of exacerbation and as a diet after diarrhea.

Nutrition after diarrhea should be less strict and gradually include one by one products from your regular list. Do not try to abruptly get out of this food, otherwise problems can return.