Rheumatoid arthritis - diet

Unfortunately, many people know what rheumatoid arthritis is . This disease leads to the defeat of all cartilaginous ligaments and is characterized by severe pain in the joints.

To prevent the rapid development of the disease, experts have developed a special diet for rheumatoid arthritis.

Diet for rheumatoid arthritis joints

It should be noted that this method is not curative, but only helps to cope with the symptoms and promotes the restoration of cartilaginous tissues. Correctly balanced diet diet for rheumatoid arthritis helps to stop the spread of the disease to all joints, reduce pain during exacerbation and normalize metabolism.

The main principle of the diet for rheumatoid arthritis joints is the use of food, rich in protein, which we need to strengthen the muscles and joints. Therefore, in the diet of the patient for the most part should be present:

Food during a diet with rheumatoid arthritis is best cooked for a couple or bake in the oven to make the dishes less caloric. In addition, the patient needs potassium and vitamins . This will ensure:

Restrictions on salt, sugar and fats are imposed. During the exacerbation of the disease, the amount of fat should not be more than 1 g per 1 kg of body weight. The same diet for rheumatoid Arthritis of the joints excludes the use: