Cholesterol diet

Cholesterol is a kind of fat, cells of which are present in every particle of our body. Despite the bad reputation of cholesterol, it performs a huge number of functions: participates in the formation of hormones, nervous regulation, digestion and the synthesis of vitamin D.

Our body itself produces cholesterol, but consuming a large amount of fatty foods, we contribute to the excess of this substance in the blood. Results can be deplorable - atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, arrhythmia, angina, kidney stones and liver. While the state of things is not critical, there is a chance to lower its level with the help of a cholesterol diet.


Cholesterol can be different. Being in the blood, he creates lipoproteins, connecting with the protein. As a result, high and low density lipoproteins appear.

Lipoprotoeins of high density are "useful" cholesterol, which performs all of the above functions, and also relieves us of excess cholesterol, moving it to the liver, where it is excreted as bile.

Lipoproteins of low density are "harmful" cholesterol, the fruit of our nutrition. It does not tend to be excreted from the body, deposited on the walls of the vessels, forming atherosclerotic plaques and obstructing the blood flow to and from the heart. This, first of all, leads to a deterioration in the nutrition of the heart muscle.

The essence of diet

The essence of the anti-cholesterol diet is to saturate the body with polyunsaturated fats, and to minimize saturated animal fats. To do this, you should exclude:

The table of cholesterol content in foods will help to make a correct diet.

But the diet against cholesterol includes a lot of foods that can make the diet varied, tasty and useful.

  1. Oily sea fish is our "friend". In its composition there are polyunsaturated omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which help to "clean" the harmful cholesterol.
  2. Seaweed and all iodine-containing foods.
  3. Beans and cereals.
  4. Avocado.
  5. Unrefined oils, especially - olive and linseed, they reduce the absorption of harmful cholesterol in the intestine.
  6. Sunflower seeds, nuts.
  7. Citrus.

These foods should form the basis of a diet with cholesterol plaques, as well as the basis of any healthy diet. It should be noted that meat and chicken are by no means prohibited, just meat should choose lean, and remove the fat skin from the bird. You need to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Juice Diet

With high cholesterol, you can also apply sokoterapiyu - every day in the morning to drink the following portion of natural juices. Diet is not suitable for diabetics, and juices, their composition and priority can not be changed.

The variant of juice diet:

Juices are best to drink with a break of 20 minutes, but if there is no time - you can mix.

Folk remedies

The first folk remedy in the cholesterol diet are statins - they successfully lower cholesterol, but increase the risk of heart disease. That is why it is recommended that they be taken not in the form of medicines, but in their natural form - olive, linseed oil and magnesium-containing products.

Traditional medicine recommends with cholesterol plaques every morning to drink on an empty stomach 1-3 tablespoons. of linseed oil.