Diet on vegetables

Everybody wants to have an ideal figure. And among the various ways to lose weight it is difficult to find one that does not harm the body. Therefore, we will consider one of the safest and most enjoyable methods of losing weight.

Diet on vegetables

The main advantage of vegetable diets is that they cleanse the body, in this connection, the well-being and, accordingly, the appearance improves. They are also useful for violations of the cardiovascular system, obesity and abnormal work of the intestine.

We will consider several variants of such diets. You can choose any you like or alternate them. Diets on vegetables are best done once every six months to maintain optimal weight.

Diet on raw vegetables

The principle of this method is very simple: you need to eat more than one kilogram of raw vegetables daily. You can eat any of them, except potatoes.

When preparing salads, you should replace mayonnaise with lemon juice, olive oil, vinegar or yogurt. In each dish, be sure to add greens: celery , dill, parsley and green onions.

Pamper yourself with vegetable juices, and you do not have to worry more about the condition of your hair, nails or skin. Carrot juice, in addition, improves digestion, a beneficial effect on eyesight. Beetroot - especially useful for people with reduced hemoglobin, but it is best to mix one-third of it with carrot juice. Cucumber juice improves the teeth, strengthens

vessels and refreshes the skin.

Green tea, diet yogurt or low-fat kefir are also recommended from drinks.

Adhere to this diet should not be longer than two weeks. To conduct better at the end of summer or in autumn. If desired, instead of a diet, you can periodically make unloading days on vegetables.

Diet on boiled vegetables

The basis of this diet, in contrast to the previous one, are cooked vegetables. In this case, even potatoes are not excluded from the diet. In this case, even potatoes are not excluded from the diet. The advantage of a diet on boiled vegetables is that you can also eat cereals, boiled meat or fish, porridges cooked on water, skim milk products. You should give up fried or fatty foods and flour products. Meals are better divided by four times.

Buckwheat diet with vegetables

The main recipe for this diet is properly cooked buckwheat: from the evening, pour a glass of washed buckwheat with two glasses of boiling water and leave it overnight in a thermos or a tightly closed pan. This method of cooking is good because buckwheat does not lose its useful properties and saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. In the finished dish, add sliced ​​vegetables, previously fried or stewed: carrots, sweet peppers, onions or tomatoes.

All meals are served with buckwheat, whether it's salad or low-fat cottage cheese. Meals are better divided into 5 or 6 parts. Dinner is necessary no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

Each of the proposed diets eliminates salt and various spices . You need to abandon bad habits, so as not to weaken the body. Do not forget to take complex vitamins.