Dieng Plateau

One of the attractions of the island of Java in Indonesia is the Dieng Plateau. Located in the central part of Java, it as a magnet attracts all curious tourists, because there are so many interesting places! Waterfalls and temples , smoking volcanoes and green plantations ... Let's find out what else the traveler is waiting for here!

What is the Dieng Plateau?

This unusually beautiful area is nothing more than a giant caldera of the long-extinct volcano of Praw. The name of the plateau in Sanskrit means "abode of the gods" (Di - abode, Hyang - gods), and this is not an accident: in ancient times, here were built about a hundred (according to another version - more than 400) Hindu temples. Up to now, only 8 of them have reached.

What to see?

Tourists go to the famous Indonesian plateau Dieng to see:

  1. Temples. They were erected from VIII to XIII century. The main shrine is called Arjuna. All the temples are accessible for visiting, they are noted as very atmospheric places.
  2. Thermal springs. Here they are many, the most popular - Sikidang Crater, always surrounded by a cloud of hot steam.
  3. Water Park D'Qiano Hot Spring Waterpark. Despite such a loud name, it's just a small water park with simple slides and - most importantly - warm and hot water (by the way, not always clean).
  4. Plantations. Fertile caldera soil yields 4 times a year, so all the slopes are planted with vegetables. Also here you can see tobacco plantations.
  5. The Celt of Varna. This colorful lake is not as popular as Kelimutu , but no less beautiful. Travelers enjoy a variety of shades (from pale blue to bright greenery), which can be fully appreciated only on sunny days. However, keep in mind that the lake is acidic, and you can not swim in it.
  6. Mountains . You can see them from afar, or you can climb. The most attractive for this purpose are Bisma, Kakuwaja and Pangonan.
  7. Waterfalls. There are a lot of them - large and small, popular and not very much. The most famous are Curug Sikarim and Curug Sirawe.

Features of visit

Going to Dieng Plateau, arm yourself with useful information:

  1. When to go? Visiting this place is best from May to October, when warm and relatively dry weather reigns here. However, the plateau is located quite high, moreover, in the afternoon, fogs are not uncommon here, so it is recommended to take warm clothes with them.
  2. The cost of the visit. On the plateau Dieng tourists get free of charge, and in the most popular places there are booths, where they charge a fee for sightseeing. For example, a colorful lake can be seen from above for 1,000 Indonesian rupees ($ 0.07). The entrance to the temples, waterfalls, thermal springs is also chargeable. However, backpackers, to save money, often pass through the crowd of tourists for free or use bypasses.
  3. Accommodation. You can stop overnight in Vosovobo, where there are a lot of places like Homestay.

How to get there?

The plateau is located in the central part of the main island of Indonesia - Java. It is 150 km away from Jogjakarta , every 30 minutes from Jombor station there are buses to Magelang, where you need to take a bus to Vynosobo. You can get here and from the capital (by train, then by bus).

In the village of Vonosobo, between the Alun-Alun square and the bazaar there is a parking lot for minibuses going to the Dieng Plateau. There they travel about 45 minutes, back, from the mountain - about 30. The price of the issue is 12 thousand rupees ($ 0.9).

Experienced tourists do not recommend getting public transport : it will take about 5 hours in a broken transport, crowded with local residents, and also make several transplants. Ideally, rent a car (bike) or book a tour in an agency that will take care of transportation.

Visiting the Dieng Plateau guests of the island of Java are usually combined with an excursion to Borobudur - such a trip will take the whole day, which will fill with vivid impressions.