Chicken roll with an omelette

Such an appetizer as a chicken roll, and even with an omelette, is very spectacular, but at the same time quite inexpensive. Its charm is also in the fact that it can be served both hot and cold.

We offer today two recipes for this dish, in one omelette on top of the chicken, and in the other on the contrary.

Chicken roll recipe with omelets and cheese in the oven



Cheese is better to take hard, because we rub it on the smallest grater, it will remain crumbly and will not take up a lump. Eggs beat up with mayonnaise, we add there cheese, mango and salt, it is possible and pepper. Thoroughly mix and leave the minutes for 15, so that the mancha is saturated with moisture and swollen. In the meantime, prepare the stuffing. To do this, we chop the meat with one bulb in a blender or meat grinder. We cut the second onion finely and fry it, so that the pieces become transparent, and also add to the stuffing. Add salt and pepper, you can chopped greens at will.

We turn on the oven by 180 degrees, always cover the baking sheet with parchment and pour out the egg mixture, level it out so that we get a smooth layer and bake until ready. We get out of the oven, turn it over to another parchment or a film, lay out the prepared forcemeat, properly level it out, evenly sprinkle the peas fresh or frozen (and can from the jar) and roll it into the roll very carefully so as not to tear. We wrap it in foil and bake for another 40 minutes. On readiness, we do not immediately turn around, so that the juice that has leaked from the mince is absorbed into the omelet.

How to cook a boiled chicken fillet with an omelette?



My file, we cut along, but do not cut it to the end. Unfold, cover with a film and beat off to soften, then grease with mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Let a little so lie down, promarinuetsya. And we While we clean the onions and carrots, cut into cubes, fry until soft and give a little cool. We beat eggs, add milk, a little soda and salt. Mix the vegetables and eggs and fry the omelet with the lid closed. You can cook one large and then cut, you can two small ones, the size of about one fillet. The omelet must cool a little, and then we put it on the beaten meat and wrap it in a dense sausage. Now tightly wrapped in a food film in several layers, tied the edges, achieving tightness. We cook for 40 minutes on a small fire. You can put it under pressure to squeeze it even more, and you can leave it as it is a round roll.