Ilon Mask published his phone number in the social network

Ilona Mask, who knows how to turn dreams into reality, is no less fanatical than any Hollywood star, and they all want to talk with him. The other day the engineer accidentally gave them this opportunity.

Invalid recipient

The 46-year-old Ilon Mask, who became famous for his advanced inventions and was able to make billions on it, is not immune from a vexing mistake on the Internet.

The other day the founder of PayPal and Tesla shared his personal phone number with almost 17 million of its subscribers on Twitter, writing:

"Do you have a second to talk? My phone *** *** *** ****".
Message Mask to the director of the company Oculus John Carmack

The recipient of the message was Ilona only John Carmack, who is the chief technical employee of the Oculus virtual reality project, owned by Facebook, but Ilon mixed up a personal letter and a public post.

John Carmack

The inventor quickly noticed his oversight and removed the tweet, but his followers were faster. They managed to copy the publication and replicate it.

Original greeting

Journalists, like many fans of Mask, could not resist and called the number indicated in the tweet. After the usual hooters, their call was forwarded to the voicemail, where they were greeted by a greeting from God of War, which sounds to the point:

"With the help of the gods, you did it. Somehow you found the way to me. Congratulations and respect. "

While I could not get through and talk with Ilon to any of his fans, they do not lose hope, leaving voice messages.

Ilon Mask
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Meanwhile, the curious interested in the content of the message Mask, which implies his possible cooperation with John Carmack, who is rightly considered a genius programmer.