Inulin - what is it and in what products is it contained?

Improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is a common problem in the modern world. It is necessary to deal with the elimination of symptoms on time so that there are no serious consequences. And it will not help with medication, but inulin - a prebiotic that helps to reproduce useful bacteria and rid the body of toxins.

What is inulin?

Inulin is a polymer of D-fructose, a natural carbohydrate derived from plants. Organic matter belongs to the group of polysaccharides, which are the main sources of energy in food. The product is sold in the pharmacy, is part of the dietary supplements, but many people do not know what they are talking about, and they ask themselves: inulin, what is it? For some time, much talk has been heard about this substance. Carbohydrate was discovered at the end of the twentieth century, and already since the 90s inulin is actively discussed, legends about it. Some people claim that they managed to cure many diseases with the help of it.

Inulin - chemical composition

Polysaccharide is classified as complex carbohydrates. Diabetic-free sugar can provide inulin, the composition of which: fructose (95%), glucose (5%) and sucrose to a lesser extent. The last two substances are formed during decay. The isolated polysaccharide looks like a white powder, which is used to produce fructose. Properties and its formula are close to soluble fiber. It dissolves well in water.

What is inulin for the body?

One of the main features of the substance is that it can not be affected by digestive enzymes of the stomach. The polysaccharide freely passes into the intestine, where it becomes a nutrient medium for bifidobacteria. Their number increases, and harmful pathogens simply do not have a place. Inulin for the intestine serves a useful service:

Where is inulin contained?

Organic matter is not found in animal products and is not obtained synthetically. The only source of inulin is the plant components. In plants, it accumulates in the root system and is present in some of them as the main substance. In total, there are more than 4,000 types of sources of this carbohydrate:

Almost always on a par with inulin there are related carbohydrates:

What products contain inulin?

Having dealt with the question of inulin - what is it, it's time to think about "with what it is eaten." To ensure the intake of the prebiotic in the body, you can take it in tablets or in the form of a powder (the drug is sold at the pharmacy). You can enter in the usual diet products containing inulin: Jerusalem artichoke, chicory root, onions and garlic, bananas, barley and rye. You can find a polysaccharide in a suit, asparagus, artichoke.

A natural prebiotic with a sweet taste is added to yogurts, low-calorie varieties of chocolate and beverages for weight loss. You can add inulin powder in baking, replacing them with up to 10% flour, and confectionery creams. Thanks to the prebiotic, bakery products will turn out to be light, enriched with fiber, and the cream will acquire an inexpressible creamy taste.

Prebiotic plants containing inulin

A natural prebiotic, which supports the activity of lactobacilli in the intestine, is contained in a variety of plants. Inulin chicory and Jerusalem artichoke are the absolute leaders in its content and consumption. In smaller quantities, the prebiotic is found in such plants as:

The largest percentage of useful polysaccharide content in the first two plants. Inulin in chicory is contained in colossal quantities: from the root during cultivation, up to 75% of the substance is extracted. In tubers of earthen pear it is less, about 20%, and it is developed for pharmacological development and food industry. The substance synthesized from Jerusalem artichoke resembles the structure of starch and cellulose.

Inulin - good and bad

Useful properties of inulin are used in medicine and cosmetology. Inclusion in the daily menu of products containing this organic substance, or prebiotic in a concentrated form will invariably affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract and will have a beneficial effect on health in general. Contraindications for the use of the drug are available, but they are few.

Inulin - benefit

  1. A useful prebiotic is a reliable assistant in purifying the body of heavy metals and radionuclides.
  2. Regular consumption of it helps strengthen the immune system and digestive tract.
  3. The beneficial effect of the prebiotic has on bone tissue, stimulating its growth. Density of bones will increase by 25% if regularly taken inulin, the benefit to the organism of which is invaluable.

Cosmetology also uses inulin, but what is it for the skin:

  1. Bioadditives and food with prebiotics have a positive effect on the skin, nourish and moisturize tissues, improve oxygen metabolism.
  2. Increase the protective properties of skin cells and increase their regeneration.
  3. Preparations with inulin help to get rid of wrinkles, soften rough coats, align the contours of the face.

Inulin - harm

Specialists unanimously assert that inulin is not capable of harming the body. But if a person is allergic to prebiotics, inulin will not be applicable to him, the contraindications for which are:

In this case, it is forbidden to take the drug both in nutrition and in cosmetology (masks, creams, lotions, etc.). When the agent is used in the form of a biological additive, it is important to consider other factors:

  1. It is important to always remember the dosage. Do not exceed the daily dose of consumed active carbohydrate, in adults it reaches 5 grams per day. An overabundance in the body of inulin can cause bacterial activity of the intestine, cause a flatulence.
  2. Other dangers are poor-quality dietary supplements, which contain a prebiotic. When buying, you should pay attention to other products of the company, get acquainted with the patent and license.

Inulin - use in medicine

With minimal contraindications and a big baggage of useful properties, the natural polysaccharide is an excellent health-improving supplement for everyone without exception. Why is inulin needed:

  1. Preparations with prebiotic prescribe to diabetics (first and second type) as a substitute for starch and sugar.
  2. It is useful for elderly people and people with liver diseases.
  3. Inulin is used for cholelithiasis, anemia, hepatitis B and C, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis, gastric ulcer.
  4. It is used to eliminate the negative consequences after taking potent drug medication.

Inulin for weight loss

Positive feedback leaves the drug as an active supplement in the process of losing weight:

  1. Unlike other carbohydrates, it is low-calorie (110 kcal per 100 g).
  2. It has indispensable properties that contribute to weight loss (affects the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, lowers insulin and reduces appetite ).

What is needed for inulin - consumption of products with a prebiotic will favorably affect the figure, but the result will be noticeable no faster than in a couple of months. Having received an answer to the question, inulin - what it is and what benefits it brings to health, you can make it part of an active or passive diet. The natural prebiotic has a positive effect on the whole organism as a whole: