How to grow a lemon from a bone?

Probably, everyone who is fond of flower breeding, looked at beautiful lemon trees with juicy dark green leaves, and dreamed of getting themselves the same. But in stores we are told that it is impossible to grow such a roomy lemon out of the stone, only the vaccinated will give fruit and will please its appearance.

Is it so, is it possible to grow on a window sill the same lemon as in flower shops or are the sellers right and to plant a lemon from a seed is impossible, and all diligence is just a waste of time? Happy owners of lemon trees say that you can grow a lemon from a bone, if you know how, and it will not only turn green, but also bear fruit. Of course, growing a lemon from a bone will take time and not a little, but the result is worth it.

How to plant a lemon from a stone?

Naturally, the first question that arises when we are going to grow a lemon from a bone is how to germinate it. In fact, no sprouting is required, the seeds selected and prepared can be immediately planted in the ground, but the preparation for a talk is worth more. After starting growing lemon, we sincerely hope that a beautiful tree will grow out of the stone, which will bear fruit, that's why it is recommended to treat the seeds before planting with special compounds. First they need to be placed overnight in a solution of a biological stimulant. After that, to stimulate growth and increase resistance to dry air in the apartment, the seeds are soaked for 8-12 hours in a glass of water with a drop of epin-extra preparations and zircon.

Prepared ossicles are planted to a depth of 1-2 cm in loose ground. It is better to drop several at once, so that after the opportunity to choose the strongest plants. In a few months (3-5), the shoots will grow and will be ready for transplantation. They will need to be transplanted neatly, without disturbing the earthen litter, into the nutrient soil (a biohumus mixture is recommended). At this time, and necessary to select seedlings. To select the most powerful seedlings, it is necessary to reject plants with small and rapidly falling leaves, a large number of needles and thin shoots. Leaving the same lemons with a large number of leaves, which rarely fall and with a minimum number of needles.

Care of the plant

To form the crown of the plant, it is necessary to pinch the tip, then the lemon will give lateral shoots. You also need to do with the first side shoots, so that the crown is more fluffy. Also pay attention to separately growing vertical branches, they need to be gently bent down, tied to a stick stuck into the ground.

In order to bring fruit closer, a technique such as ringing is used. To do this, tightly wrap the stem near the base, so that the wire is slightly pressed into the bark. As a result of such an operation in the plant, the accumulation of substances stimulating fruiting will begin. Approximately in 6-12 months, the ring must be removed, so as not to unnecessarily over-tighten the stem.

Also, to get the fruit after the lemon, you need to take care of it properly. This and additional lighting, and additional humidification of air, and of course, regular transplantation - 1-2 times a year. Pots for transplantation should be chosen 3-5 cm larger than the previous ones. Also, plants require fertilizing with mineral fertilizers from February to September. The main thing to observe the correct concentration, not more than 1-2 grams of fertilizer per liter of water, otherwise you can burn the roots of plants. Not bad complex mineral fertilizers alternate with ready-made infusions of organic fertilizers.

A few years after such trouble, in most cases lemons bloom, and then begin to bear fruit.