Organic fertilizers for the garden

How much the industry moved forward, how much was invented and invented to increase the yield, and our grandmothers collected manure as they collected it. And we must admit that for a garden and a garden such natural organic additives are not inferior to industrial fertilizers. It turns out that after such a long journey, we again returned to the opinion that natural is still safer and more useful for our children. If you just bought a piece of land and are going to grow useful fruit and vegetables for your family, knowledge of organic fertilizers will help you competently apply each of the species.

Organic fertilizers - their types and characteristics

It is quite logical to divide into two camps: some products of the vital activity of animals, the second - the remains of vegetation. The first additives are needed to regulate the chemical balance on the site, the rest are influencing the very physics of the earth coma. And consequently, they will work together, only in different directions.

So, consider the traditional types of organic fertilizers for the garden:

  1. The first thing we remember is manure . Of course, to prepare his pleasure is something else, but the structure of the soil and its properties are changing literally in front of our eyes. Of course, you can not introduce fresh manure, under any circumstances. Previously, it must reach the desired stage, namely, decompose. Use half perepredevsh or perepredevshy. The most valuable among the types of organic fertilizers is considered humus, it directly affects the characteristics and properties of lands, their fertility. The perfect solution for seedling, fertilizing the garden and the garden.
  2. Under the slogan "cheap and angry", compost pits have long been located on each site. This is one of the most budgetary methods to prepare fertilizing (at no cost), since organic fertilizer literally grows on every corner. In the pit, all the grass is discarded from the site, vegetable waste after cooking. Then the layers are peppered with garden soil. You can throw a little dung. In three years you have a completely ready fertilizer. But we have to admit that the output is not that big, and often such pits are used to fertilize seedlings.
  3. Let's not forget about peat . This additive is needed to facilitate the structure of the earth. Horse and transitional require additional preparation, and the lowland is fully ready for use.
  4. Liquid organic fertilizers are often prepared with asteroids and teas from the grass from the garden . After maintaining this infusion, it is fully ready for application. The most pleasant thing is that in the liquid form of the additive is much softer, they have a beneficial effect on the ability of plantings to resist disease and pests.

There are ready-made fertilizers for the garden, industrial, but also organic. So-called flour from bones, horns and hoofs, there is also blood meal. Almost all kinds of flour perfectly help to fill the soil with nitrogen and prevent pests.