Diet Alsou

The singer has two children, but she still boasts ideal forms. In Alsou's arsenal, there is a daily diet and express method, which she uses before important events.

The singer is told that a few years ago she did not control her diet at all. "I often missed breakfast, at lunch I ate something tasty in McDonald's, and for dinner I was waited by a dish in a favorite restaurant," Alsu tells in his interview. After she began to notice a rapid increase in weight, she turned to a specialist who helped her solve this problem.

The simplest diet from Alsou

The singer tells us that once you have reconsidered your diet, you can forget about extra pounds for good. Dietitian recommendations that will help you lose weight:

  1. When compiling a diet for weight loss, Alsou took into account the physical and emotional load.
  2. The ratio of nutrients consumed should be as follows: fats - 25%, proteins - 25% and carbohydrates - 50%.
  3. Of great importance in losing weight is also the correct distribution of caloric content: breakfast - 30%, lunch - 45% and dinner - 25%.

Diet from Alsou is suitable for the lazy, as it does not require the use of exotic and difficult to prepare dishes. The approximate menu of the singer consists of:

Observing all the recommendations of a dietician, the singer managed to lose weight by 13 kg, without causing any harm to health.

Chocolate Diet Alsou

This technique the singer enjoys before the concerts and other important events, on which she wants to look at 100%. It should immediately warn that such a diet can cause weakness, severe headache and nausea. You can not use this diet for more than 3 days. For a day of such an express method, you can lose up to 1 kg of excess weight.

The daily diet consists of 90 g of bitter dark chocolate, which should be divided into 4-5 servings. Alsou advises after drinking sweets not to drink for 3 hours. At other times, you can drink natural coffee, mineral still water and green tea without sugar.

There is a chocolate diet and contraindications. Do not use this option for people with chronic diseases, with reduced immunity, as well as having problems with the heart, liver and GIT. Alsou recommends to resort to such extreme weight loss only in extreme cases.