Lishay in humans - the symptoms and treatment of all kinds of disease

Among dermatological diseases there is a group of the most common and often diagnosed pathologies. These are lichens, which combine infectious and autoimmune skin lesions. The causes, symptoms and ways of treating these diseases depend on their form.

Types of depriving a person

There are several main types of diseases considered. There are the following types of lichen:

How does infection get deprived?

Provide pathology may be external pathogens (fungi or viruses), and autoimmune processes in their own body. The infectious lichen of a transmission way has such:

Sometimes, deprivation of a person begins against the backdrop of worsening of the immune system. Non-infectious diseases are not contagious, they can progress only in the pathogen carrier for a long time, be remission and relapse again. These types of pathology include shingles, lichen planus and Zhibera disease. The latter species leads to the formation of a stable immunity.

Lishaya - symptoms

The external manifestations of the described group of diseases correspond to their appearance. Signs of depriving a person always include rashes on the skin, in addition can be observed:

Shingles - symptoms

The presented form of the disease has specific and easily recognizable signs. Thanks to this, the dermatologist immediately determines how the lichen progresses in humans, and prescribes adequate treatment. The shingled appearance of the pathology develops due to the activation of herpes. The causative agent of this type of disease is the same virus that provokes chicken pox. The cause of deterioration in the work of immunity may be hypothermia, stress, severe infection and other factors.

Even on visual symptoms, it's easy to diagnose this deprivation, the photo shows the main distinguishing features:

Additional features:


This type of pathology more often infects children. Trichophytosis and microsporia - an infectious disease provoked by fungi, it is transmitted from sick animals and humans. Signs of lichen on the hairy areas:

Ringworm in a person can progress and on smooth skin. In such cases, the symptoms are as follows:

Peregrine lichen

The considered form of the disease is also caused by fungi and belongs to the infectious group. Synonyms - colored, tubular, colorful and sunny. On the skin are formed multiple spots of different sizes and shapes. They can merge with each other, turning into extensive zones of damage with crooked edges. Tubular lichen has the following external features:

Red flat lichen

While the exact causes of the appearance of the described type of disease, medicine is not known. Presumably, red lichen develops against a background of chronic diseases, allergic reactions, stresses and other factors that worsen the activity of the immune system. More often it is diagnosed in women suffering from endocrine disorders. Flat lichen is accompanied by the following symptoms:

Lishay Zhibera

This type of disease is poorly known, there are theories that it provokes a deterioration in the work of immunity after any viral infection or hypothermia. Pink lichen in humans is diagnosed only once. After the pathology, resistance to this type of disease is formed, and it does not arise again. The presented lichen in a person is characterized by such clinical manifestations:

Lishay - treatment

Therapy of this group of pathologies depends on their pathogen. The optimal method, how to treat lichen, is developed by a dermatologist after careful differential diagnosis. Some types of skin lesions do not require special therapy, for example, Zhibera's disease. Pink lichen passes independently for several months, the treatment assumes only relief of unpleasant symptoms. The remaining forms of pathologies are eliminated with the help of local and systemic drugs aimed at combating the cause of the disease.

Ointment from lichen

Selection of medicines should be handled by a qualified specialist. Effective ointment from depriving the skin of a person is prescribed taking into account the causative agent of the disease. If the pathology was provoked by fungi, antimycotic agents are used:

When detecting viral pathogens, other types of local drugs are required:

Cream from deprived

Ointments differ in fat consistency and dense structure, which does not fit all types of skin. In such cases, less "heavy" creams and pastes are used. If the fungus is progressing in humans, the treatment involves the use of the following drugs:

For the treatment of viral forms of lichen, such creams are recommended:

Tablets from depriving

Systemic medicines are prescribed only in severe cases, when only local therapy does not help. Tablets are more often used if an adult is diagnosed, for children this approach is considered too dangerous because of the toxicity of the drugs used. The described means are selected in accordance with the causative agent pathology. Preparations against fungal origin:

In the case of viral nature depriving a person, the following tablets are required:

Folk remedies for depriving

Preparations of alternative medicine are effective mainly in fungal skin lesions. Before treating the lichen at home, it is important to pass a scraping of the epidermis and find out why the rashes have appeared. After the diagnosis is established, it is desirable to coordinate the selected therapy with your dermatologist. On some methods of traditional medicine, how to eliminate the lichen in a person, there may be an allergic reaction.

Night antifungal ointment

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Mix the ingredients until uniform.
  2. Densely lubricate the affected area.
  3. Apply a gauze bandage.
  4. Cover the wrap with cellophane.
  5. Leave the ointment all night.
  6. Repeat the procedure every evening.

A quick remedy for depriving

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Extract from the citrus bones.
  2. Thoroughly chop the garlic and lemon to the state of gruel.
  3. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Apply a compress of lemon-garlic mixture to spots with spots.
  5. After 2 hours, remove the remedy.
  6. Continue treatment for 3-4 days.

Antifungal Lotion

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Mix and shake all the ingredients.
  2. To process points with deprivation 2-4 times a day.
  3. Continue therapy for 6-7 days.

Tight ointment

Ingredients :

Preparation, application

  1. Beat yolks with cream.
  2. Add tar, carefully stir the composition.
  3. Rub the ointment into the affected area 2 times a day.
  4. Repeat the procedure for a week.