Headache in the forehead and eyes - possible causes and effective treatment

Headache in the forehead and eyes appears in many people. It can be of different intensity. Some can easily endure an attack, while others suffer and without the help of medication to come back to normal are not capable. If the unpleasant symptoms appear regularly, you should always seek the advice of a specialist.

The forehead and the eyes ache for a reason

In whatever place it appeared, cephalalgia is a very unpleasant thing. When the head hurts in the forehead and eye area, it can still be very dangerous. The reasons for which soreness appears are different. To begin effective treatment of cephalalgia, they must be identified. Otherwise, therapy can not only not be useful, but also aggravate the situation.

Pressing headache in the forehead area

The nature of cephalalgia can help to identify the causes of headache in the forehead. Pressing sensations, for example, arise, as a rule, when:

Pulsating pain in forehead

It is difficult to answer unequivocally why the forehead and eyes ache. The reasons can be different:

  1. Sinusitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the maxillary sinuses develops as a complication of infectious diseases and sometimes is a consequence of problems with the dental roots. If the headache in the forehead and eye area is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the nasal sinuses, you should hurry to make an appointment with an otolaryngologist.
  2. Hypertension. Increased intracranial pressure causes different factors: stress, overwork, climate change. A severe headache in the forehead area can gradually spread throughout the cranium.
  3. Frontite. When the frontal sinus is inflamed, soreness manifests itself from the very morning and disappears after its cleansing. To combat this form of sinusitis, it is customary to use vasoconstrictors, anesthetics. In particularly severe cases, antibiotics can be used.
  4. Typhoid, malaria, tropical fever. These reasons are rare, but they should not be ruled out.

Headache in forehead and nausea

Discomfort in the stomach with cephalgia is common. Headache in the forehead area with nausea is accompanied in such cases:

  1. Acute meningitis. Severe soreness causes severe nausea, leading to vomiting, which does not always bring relief.
  2. Migraine. The headache in the forehead and eye area is pulsating.
  3. Mental overstrain. Nausea can result from a sudden increase in intracranial pressure.
  4. Intracranial hematoma. To determine whether it exists or not, it is possible only with the help of computer examinations.

The forehead and eyes ache, the temperature

The first thing that comes to mind when such symptoms appear is a cold or flu. If the cause is correct, then except that the forehead hurts and presses on the eyes, the patient will feel weakness, chills. In more complex and neglected cases, nausea and hallucinations may be added to the symptoms described above. When you see them it is desirable to immediately call an ambulance and provide the patient with qualified assistance.

There are also non-infectious causes, because of which there is a headache in the forehead, temples and eyes. Long-termed these symptoms, combined with general weakness, worsened appetite and weight loss are characteristic of cancer. In addition, pain in the head and fever can indicate the development of various pathologies of the spine.

The head is aching in the forehead area - what to do?

Because the causes of the symptoms are different, before taking any measures and doing some actions, you need to find out why the forehead and eyes specifically hurt. If soreness occurs infrequently and quickly passes, you can cope with it with anesthetics. Another thing is if the pain is excruciating with an unenviable periodicity and significantly worsens the quality of life. In this case, it is desirable to undergo a medical examination and quickly.

Medications for headache - list

When often a headaches for a long time in the forehead and eyes, the treatment should be prescribed by a specialist, but in order to quickly cope with the attack, in the first aid kit, just in case, you need to put an effective painkiller. The most popular drugs for headaches:

Folk remedies for headaches

Sometimes alternative medicine helps even more effectively than tablets. Treatment of headaches with folk methods can be as follows:

  1. Quickly saves from painful leaf of aloe, cut in half and attached to the temples and forehead. In order for the product to work more effectively, it is recommended to hold the plant on your head for at least half an hour.
  2. With a headache, raw potatoes are struggling. Cut the root crop into several slices, wrap them in gauze and attach to the forehead.
  3. A strong attack neutralizes garlic. Enough of a few drops of juice to lubricate the temples and the frontal part of the head.
  4. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses will help to cope with boiled potatoes. It must also be applied to the forehead.
  5. Instead of potatoes, you can use beetroot or white cabbage leaves.
  6. Well proven mint. Tea on the basis of the plant begins to act within a quarter of an hour after ingestion.
  7. If you have a lemon crust at hand, you can use it - just glue it to the sore spot with a band-aid.
  8. A very simple and effective method is a cold compress.

Massage with headache in the forehead area

The tried-and-true acupressure asserts that the pain in the forehead helps to eliminate it faster and easier. To cope with cephalalgia, you need to know a few basic points. Easy massage of them will help to feel relief almost instantly:

  1. VB20, The Gate of Consciousness. Pressing on these points relieves tension, eliminates soreness and eliminates irritation.
  2. VG16, Wind castle. It is especially effective to massage them with nerve strains.
  3. V2, Drilling bamboo. It also helps with fever, pain in the nasal cavity.
  4. VG 24.5, The point of the third eye. It balances the pituitary gland.
  5. E3, Beauty of the face. Quickly relieves fatigue and pressure in the eyes.