Shihan Syndrome

Syndrome Shihana develops as a result of death of cells of the pituitary gland, which leads to neuroendocrine disorders. This pathology is sometimes diagnosed in women as a result of labor. We will understand what are the provoking factors of Shihan's disease, how it develops and what consequences it can lead to.

Symptoms of Shihan syndrome

The disease develops as a result of heavy blood loss during labor or abortion. The pituitary gland, one of the main suppliers of hormones that regulate the functionality of the endocrine system, is very sensitive to blood supply. With massive bleeding, iron is deprived of most of the oxygen and nutrients, as a result of which its cells begin to die.

The disease is often called Simmonds-Shihan syndrome, as these researchers studied the pathology in the most detailed way.

Since the pituitary gland participates in the production of several types of hormones, the signs of the disease largely depend on which part of the gland has undergone death. The size of the affected area is also important. If up to 60% of the gland is affected, the pathology has a relatively easy course. With the death of 90%, a severe clinical case is diagnosed.

Symptoms of Shihan disease are most often associated with activities:

Among the main signs in the defeat of the sites responsible for the production of sex hormones, we can note:

If the pathology is more affected by the thyroid gland, observe:

Symptoms of Shihan syndrome in the case of adrenal gland lesions are as follows:

In addition, the Shien Shihan syndrome has a number of common specific features:

Treatment of Shihan syndrome

The only treatment that can be used for such a diagnosis is substitution therapy. The body needs constant delivery from outside of the necessary hormones. If treatment is started on time, you can avoid irreversible consequences. As replacement therapy, the administration of gland hormones is used, whose functionality has been associated with a damaged pituitary site.

In case of severe weight loss, anabolic steroids and adequate nutrition are recommended. In addition, it is necessary to fill the reserves of iron compounds and vitamin groups.

And here, how many live with Shihan's disease, depends on the treatment and severity of a particular case. Competent substitution therapy eliminates all symptoms of pathology and quickly returns the patient to a normal life. It should be noted that in mild form people with a similar disease can live for decades, even without paying attention to the erased symptomology of pathology and without resorting to the help of professional medicine.