Divination by Tarot cards on relations

In matters of the heart it is difficult to be in something really sure. Often we are overwhelmed with doubts, and we are striving to find out what a particular person really feels for us or to understand that they love us . It's not always possible to just ask about it directly - in this case, you can learn everything by conducting a fortune-telling on the Tarot cards on the relationship.

True divination on Tarot cards

It is enough to buy a tarot deck and do a few handouts to make sure that everything that these mysterious cards say is quite similar to the truth. Until now, their history is full of mysteries and mysteries, but the fact that they somehow tell the truth, already know thousands of people around the world, the main thing is to know the meaning of tarot cards . Whichever alignment you choose, he will tell you the truth. The main thing, remember - you need to guess in a calm mood and a quiet, calm atmosphere.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards "The Pyramid of Love"

This is a simple 4-card deal, which will help you to understand even the most complicated and intricate relationships. If you do not know what to do, or are completely confused in your love relationships, then the "Pyramid of Love" will help you deal with heart problems.

So, shuffle the deck and remove the cards with your left hand. After that, lay out 4 cards:

  1. The first one in the middle is your role in the relationship.
  2. The second, below the left - the behavior and feelings of your man.
  3. Third, exactly under the first - your relationship with him.
  4. The fourth, to the right of the third, is the future of your relationship.

Deciphering the divination according to the traditional values ​​of the maps, you will learn everything you wanted to know.

Divination by tarot cards on mutual relations

Even a novice can easily learn the tarot cards, because guessing about love and relationships are fairly simple in both the layouts and the interpretation. One of the most complete layout - the layout of 7 cards "Relationships." Shuffle the deck, take it to yourself and ask the question: "How is it going with such and such?".

After that, take 7 cards out of the deck and place one on the center, and the rest on each side of it with 3 cards in the column. Their meanings are:

  1. The average map is the relationship between you.
  2. 2 cards of the upper row - on the left your thoughts, on the right - his thoughts on the situation;
  3. 2 cards of the middle row - on the left your feelings, on the right - his feelings in this situation;
  4. 2 cards of the bottom row - the outside, the behavior, on the left - yours, on the right - it.

By the way, in this case, you can use tarot cards for fortune telling. All court cards - kings, queens, knights, pages, usually mean men and women, and if they arise in this divination, it can talk about treason. That is, if in the right column that describes everything about your partner, the queen's card appears, probably his thoughts, behavior or feelings are occupied by another. If the queen falls out at you, it can talk about your suspicions at the partner's expense or your inclination to live by advice from your girlfriends. If the map is in the center of the layout from this category, then someone stands between you.

Guessing on a loved one: "Three cards" Tarot

Such love guessing on tarot cards is one of the fastest, capacious and at the same time convenient. Nothing extra. You It is necessary to make a man and draw three cards from the deck. Arrange them in one line.

  1. The first card is his thoughts on you. What he thinks, what he seeks.
  2. The second card is his feelings about you. What he is experiencing.
  3. The third card is his subconscious. Often this card is more important than all, because it embodies its deep feelings.

Such a layout can be used quite often, checking almost instant emotions of a person about you and your relationship. However, do not overreact a stick: even if you are not satisfied with the result, you can guess on this person only after 4-7 days, otherwise the cards will start to lie to you.