Myositis - treatment

Myositis is a disease of skeletal muscles that occurs in acute or chronic form. As a result of inflammation in the muscles, painful seals develop.

Causes of myositis

There are a number of causes of myositis:

Treatment of myositis

The reasons for the occurrence, as well as how to cure myositis, are best explained to you by a doctor, whom you should contact as soon as possible. The methods of treatment and the drugs used for myositis depend on the type of disease and its complexity.

  1. In acute myositis, anti-inflammatory drugs are used. This type of disease is usually associated with the injury. Medicamentous treatment of such a myositis is also combined with a special massage.
  2. Antibiotics for myositis are prescribed to patients whose cause of illness are staphylococcal, pneumococcal or streptococcal bacteria.
  3. Sometimes the reason can be helminths. In such cases, anthelmintics are prescribed.
  4. If autoimmune disorders are the cause of the disease, the patient is advised to take immunosuppressors and glucocorticoids.

It should be noted that injections with myositis and other types of medicamentous effects are not applied immediately, but in cases where the pain does not disappear within a few days. In the early days, you can try to treat myositis at home. The most important point here is the lack of physical activity on the muscle. The patient must be at rest and warm. You can put a heating pad on the muscle.

The most effective method of exposure here is deep massage of the affected muscle. If there is no person in your home who has the skills of such a massage, it may be worth calling a professional. You can supplement the effect of massage with warming compresses and ointments. Compresses are made from cabbage leaves, field horsetail, leaves and buds of willow with the addition of butter. Apply also red pepper, althea root, bay leaves, burdock and even potatoes.

In addition to these funds, with myositis, you can make special gymnastics. The type of gymnastics depends on which muscle is sick. Exercises for myositis of the neck , chest, waist, calf muscles are different, but the main principle of their implementation is not to overdo or overexert muscles.

It should be remembered that purulent myositis is not treatable by folk remedies and requires surgical intervention to remove pus.

Prevention of myositis

For the prevention of myositis should follow the following tips:

  1. To avoid hypothermia, it is worth taking care of the lack of drafts in your workplace and at home. Do not be in drafts in public and private vehicles.
  2. In the cold season, dress warmly.
  3. Alternate physical exertion on muscles with rest and relaxation of muscles.
  4. If your work is associated with a constant load on a certain muscle group, then periodically change position, do gymnastics and knead muscles.
  5. Viral diseases must be fully cured to avoid complications.
  6. Watch your posture, especially when you are in the same position for a long time.
  7. Be engaged in physical education, do not forget about charging.
  8. Temper the body, for example, with a douche or a contrast shower .
  9. Spend more time relaxing in nature.

Judging from the foregoing, it can be concluded that a person who watches over his body and body is practically not prone to such a disease as myositis.