Indonesia - Security

When going to visit a country, many tourists are asking about the level of security. Indonesia is an exotic state in the southeast of Asia, so here it is worth to fear not only criminals, but also wild animals.


It is better to prevent any disaster than to regret it later. Indonesia is considered a fairly safe country, because serious crimes (murders, rapes) here are very rare. True, in the tourist places there are cases of theft. The police work rather poorly, and you probably will not get help from it.

Most often, robberies occur:

In order not to become a victim of robbery or robbery, travelers must observe the basic safety rules:

  1. Keep all valuables (documents, gadgets, money) in the safe. If this is not the case, then hide them under the mattresses or in the closet, because the thief is running fast and takes only what he sees. Always close the front doors, windows and balcony even in the daytime.
  2. If you rent a bike, then do not drive late in the evening along unpopulated streets and do not hang your purse on your shoulder. Very often, they can simply pull it off, and you will fall from the transport. Wear a backpack with 2 straps or put things in the trunk, but in the parking lot take everything with you.
  3. Indonesia has its own culture and traditions , and an overly candidly dressed girl here can provoke increased attention and even aggression.
  4. You can not throw expensive things on the beaches and surf spots without supervision. Steal can even from the varung (cafe), so leave everything valuable in the safe.
  5. Girls better not go late in the evening through the streets of Seminyak or Kuta alone. The handbag should be carried in the hand that is farther from the road, so that robbers on motorbikes can not snatch it.

Safety on the roads of Indonesia

The most common cause of death in the country are road accidents. No one observes the traffic rules here, so both drivers and pedestrians should be attentive. If you rented a bike and got into an accident, then you need to call the tenant and try to solve the problem quietly.

You need to park transport in special places. Behind the wheel you can sit down only in a sober state and it is desirable to have a driving experience. During the ride, take with you a minimum first aid kit, international rights and insurance, and put a helmet on your head. Remember, prices in local hospitals are quite high, and wounds heal badly because of high humidity.

wild nature

In the country there are jungles with impassable places. In some of them live a variety of animals that can be dangerous for travelers:

  1. Reptiles. In Indonesia, live combed crocodiles. Especially a lot of them in mangrove groves. Also there are deadly poisonous snakes (sea and land): cobra, kraut, kufia, etc. They can crawl into the house, but attack a person only in case of danger. If you suffer from a bite, then immediately contact the hospital, where you will enter the antidote.
  2. Primates. They can attack tourists, as well as steal personal belongings: telephones, wallets, eyeglasses and hairpins. Animals tear out accessories together with hair, scratch and even bite. When visiting their habitats, hide all these things in advance. If the monkeys climbed on your shoulders or back, then you need to squat. You will show that you recognize them as the main ones, and they will leave you alone.
  3. Predators and large mammals. The islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan are inhabited by wild bulls and tigers, which can attack people. True, they rarely leave the jungle, but it's better not to lose your vigilance.
  4. Insects. They live here in large numbers and are carriers of dangerous diseases. They are attracted by the smells of sweat and sugar, so do not wear clothes that have been drunk with fruit juice, take a shower at least 2 times a day and use repellents.
  5. Volcanoes . Many of them have been active for several decades. They can throw smoke, dust and stones into the air, which often hurt unwary tourists.

Products and Security in Indonesia

All meals served in cafes and restaurants are absolutely safe. They are always carefully processed and verified. When you are served ice in soft drinks, then make sure that it has the correct shape in the form of a square. This will mean that it was prepared from purified water.

Drinks on the street are not desirable, and bottling can be vectors of infections. Drink water in supermarkets. She will also need to brush her teeth and wash fruit.

The country often arranges happy hours, when visitors are given free alcohol. Alcoholic beverages in Indonesia contain harmful and dangerous methanol, which causes poisoning with a fatal outcome. Be attentive and do not take such "gifts".

Safety on the ocean

Only in Bali every year drowns up to 50 people. Tragedy occurs near the shore in tourist places due to the fact that holidaymakers do not observe the rules of behavior on the water, panic and do not know the laws of the ocean.

When the wave breaks about the shore and, accumulating in a certain zone, goes into the ocean, then the reverse flow is formed at a speed of 2-3 m per second. Thus, it turns out a semblance of a river in the ocean, which is very dangerous. A man, as it were, sucks in depth, even if he was knee-high in the water.

In order to avoid death, you need to row not to the shore, but to the side where the current is not so strong. To swim it is necessary always on public beaches on which rescuers work. For those who only learn to surf, there are also certain rules:

Indonesia Medicine

Before you visit the country, you must necessarily make yourself insurance. Medicine here is quite expensive, for example, for processing injuries from tourists can take up to $ 300, and for hospitalization - several thousand.

If you are going to rest only in Bali, then special vaccinations do not need. In tourist areas it is almost impossible to get infected with dangerous diseases. When visiting sparsely populated areas or the jungle, travelers are vaccinated against malaria, yellow fever, hepatitis A and B.

General Security Tips in Indonesia

In the country there is a strict punishment for the distribution and use of drugs. It represents the death penalty, and foreigners can be mitigated by a sentence - sent to a strict-regime colony for 20 years. While in Indonesia, observe the following safety rules: