Rivers of South Korea

Nature in South Korea is incredibly beautiful. The Yellow Sea coast and the mountainous landscape of the Korean peninsula have served to create a unique atmosphere that is perfect for recreation . It should be noted that its rivers played an important role in the formation of the natural conditions and microclimate of South Korea.

The largest rivers in South Korea

Features of the landscape of the Korean peninsula have led to the fact that almost all the rivers of the Country of morning freshness carry their waters to the west, falling into the Yellow Sea. Frankly, most of the water bodies in South Korea are either artificial lakes or modest streams. Therefore, there are only 4 large rivers:

  1. Hangan , the same Khan, the most famous in South Korea, passes through the territory of Seoul , dividing the capital in half. By itself it is a fairly shallow pond, its depth does not exceed 3 m, and its length is 514 km. But in width the river is distributed to 1 km! Through it, 27 bridges have been laid, and in 1988 a dam has been built, which serves to maintain the water level. The river was formed as a result of the merger of the Southern and Northern Khangan. It takes its source in the mountain range of Kumjonsan and carries water to the Yellow Sea.
  2. Imminggan crosses the territory of not only South Korea, but also the DPRK. Its length is 273 km. It takes its origin in the north of the Korean peninsula and tends to the south, where it merges with the Han River. In summer, when Korea is covered by the rainy season, there are very often floods, and rocky coast in combination with a rapid current make this pond quite a dangerous place.
  3. Kumgang in length stretched for 401 km. The main part of its waterway passes through the southwestern part of the Korean peninsula. The river takes its beginning among the mountain slopes of Sobek, and the course of the current ends in the water area of ​​the Yellow Sea. Several dams were installed along the course of the current. In addition, the river water is used for agricultural purposes - for irrigation of rice, barley and wheat fields.
  4. Naktongan has a basin area of ​​23.5 square meters. km. Its length is 506 km. The river takes its beginning from the confluence of two large streams - Chholamkhon and Khvandzhichon. Among the main tributaries are Namang, Yongan and Kmikhogan. This river is included in the List of Natural Monuments, as it radically affects the ecosystem of nearby regions.