Traditions of Cambodia

Lost in Southeast Asia, the Kingdom of Cambodia attracts tourists with its richest history, many architectural monuments and wonderful nature. What are the traditions of Cambodia? Let's learn more about this.

Characteristics of local residents

Distinctive features of the local population are calmness and restraint. Khmers are true patriots, sincerely love and respect their monarch, are considered deeply religious Buddhists, while living a life rather idly and carefree. In dealing with people of a different religion, local residents are kept and tactful. Most of the population of Cambodia does not use drugs and alcohol, but in poor provinces one can see how the peasants chew tobacco, herbs, and betel that are considered weak drugs.

Khmers live in communities, especially in rural areas. The center of any Cambodian village is a temple enclosed by a wall. In this territory there is a sanctuary with statues of Buddha, a lake or a pond, a quarter inhabited by the ministers of the temple. Most often, a school is organized in the church, where rural children are trained. A vivid example of this is the floating village on Lake Tonle Sap .

Interesting customs of Cambodians

An interesting tradition of Cambodia is the introduction of young people to religion. Having reached the age of sixteen, the Cambodian youth goes to the temple and for several years lives in him as a monk. Such life experience is necessary for mastering the foundations of Buddhist faith. Living in the temple, the young men pray diligently, devote much time to physical labor and teaching. That is why the connection of a person with religion is so great in Cambodia.

Another tradition of Cambodia is a respectful attitude towards the temples, monks and Buddha statues. In tribute to the temple, it is customary to present gifts and donations. It is important and right to move around the temple territory - it needs to be done clockwise. To photograph a temple, monks or locals, you need to get permission and pay.

As for communication, it is worth talking about the traditional Cambodian greeting. Men greet each other with a firm handshake and a bow. Women greet each other with respect, both to other women and men. At the first visit to the house or office it is customary to present small presents.

The sign language of the Khmer is interesting, it is necessary to know those of them whose use is forbidden:

  1. Cambodians do not touch a foreign head, especially the head of a child.
  2. Do not point your finger at anyone or anything.
  3. You can give and take items only with your right hand.
  4. You can not show the soles of your feet to strangers, as, according to the Khmer, from walking on the ground they become "unclean" and this can be regarded as an insult.
  5. The raised thumb of the hand will be perceived as a sexual call, so it's also better not to use it.
  6. Local people never show anger and anger, in some situations it can be knocked off.
  7. Important is the external appearance of Cambodians, their clothes. Most often men and women wear a traditional outfit - a sarong of cotton. On holidays, the everyday sarong is replaced with silk.
  8. Residents of Cambodia often wear trousers and wide dresses covering the body. Women dress unobtrusively and often modestly. Tourists can also wear light clothing: trousers, short-sleeved shirts, other familiar clothes. Shorts and short skirts are inadmissible, especially on the territory of the temples.

The most revered holidays of Cambodia

As for the holidays and festivals of Cambodia, they are peculiar and there are a lot of them. Extremely popular holiday Prochum Ben - a day of memory of the deceased. During the genocide in the country many people died, so the holiday is honored in every family. The beginning of the celebration falls on the first day of the month of the waning moon. According to legend, in the darkest time the King of the Dead Pit temporarily releases the souls of those who are at rest, and they return briefly to the world of the living. Souls of the deceased aspire to Buddhist stupas in search of offerings. The curse awaits relatives who have not left the main offering - rice.

In mid-April, the New Year is celebrated in a fun and colorful way - Tet. The holiday of Cham-tmai, symbolizing the purification and removal of sins - one of the most popular in the kingdom. The main attribute of this holiday is the erection of sand slides, which are associated with pagodas. The more slides, the less sins will remain on the soul - that's what the Khmers think.

The customs and customs of Cambodia are interesting, like the country itself. They help to understand the nature and characteristics of local residents, to learn the history of the state, which developed over the centuries. We have told quite a bit, more you will be able to find out after visiting this amazing country.