Herpes of type 6

The first five types of herpes virus were identified in the middle of the last century, and type 6 virus was discovered only in 1986. Human herpesvirus type 6 (HHV-6) refers to pathogens that can not be controlled and exist in a latent form under normal immunity. Any failure in the work of the immune system leads to activation of the virus, which is fraught with severe painful manifestations, up to a lethal outcome.

How is the herpes simplex of type 6 transmitted?

Human type 6 herpes includes serological infections 6B and 6A, which have genetic and epidemiological differences. Herpes of any kind and subspecies is transmitted by airborne or by contact, first of all, by sexual intercourse. There have been cases of transmission of infection during the transplantation of organs from a person infected with a virus and in manipulations with medical instruments that were used in the treatment of a virus carrier. Herpes of type 6 mainly concentrates in saliva, although it is found in virtually all tissues of the body. It should be noted that the thermal stability of the intracellular parasite, which allows it to withstand temperatures of up to +52 degrees for half an hour, and maintain its vitality with a short exposure time of + 70 degrees.

Symptoms of infection with herpes simplex type 6

Primary infection manifests itself sharply: the human body temperature rises to 38-39 degrees. In this case, there are observed:

Often, musculo-articular pains occur in various parts of the limbs.

Signs of damage to the nervous system are:

In severe cases, the patient is completely immobilized and loses vital functions. After a few days the temperature indicators come back to normal, and the body has a pale pink rash in the back, chest, abdomen, leg folds and hands, which disappears after two or three days.

Often the symptoms of herpes infection are confused with manifestations of ARVI, rubella and other infectious diseases. But it should be remembered that the presence of type 6 herpes in the body can cause serious malignant diseases:

The virus is most often detected not as a separate disease, but as aggravating the course of other diseases, including AIDS. Therefore, in case of suspected infection with the herpes virus, you should undergo an examination for the presence of infection in the body, having passed the necessary biological fluids for analysis.

Treatment of herpes caused by type 6 virus

Treatment of the disease caused by type 6 herpes is symptomatic. Unfortunately, at the present moment there are no medications completely eliminating the virus that has entered the body. But timely detection and competent therapy prevent dangerous complications.

When treating herpes of type 6 of both subspecies, Foscarnet is quite effective. Against herpes simplex virus type 6 of the B-sub-species, Ganciclovir is active. But both noted medications are taken only by adults, children under 12 years of age are not prescribed. Therapy includes use of such immunomodulators:

Usually, medicines are used in various combinations, which are determined by the attending physician. In order to activate immunity, a herpetic vaccine is often prescribed.