Gilbert syndrome - treatment

Gilbert's syndrome is a hereditary genetic disease that manifests itself in a violation of bilirubin utilization in the body. The liver of the patient can not neutralize this bile pigment in full, and he accumulates in the body, causing jaundice. The disease belongs to the hereditary type with a benign, but chronic course.

How to treat Gilbert's syndrome?

Threats to life, this disease does not represent and leads to complications is extremely rare, so the specific and systematic treatment of Gilbert's syndrome usually does not require.

Drug treatment is usually prescribed to neutralize the symptoms caused by it, and to prevent their appearance, non-pharmacological methods are used: adherence to the regimen, special diet, avoidance of factors that can provoke an exacerbation.

The methods of treatment of Gilbert's syndrome, which are applied as needed, include the following:

  1. Taking medications that lower the level of bilirubin in the blood. These include, in the first place, phenobarbital and preparations containing it. The medication usually lasts 2-4 weeks and stops after the disappearance of external symptoms (jaundice) and normalization of the level of bilirubin in the blood. The disadvantage of this method of treatment is that drugs can be addictive, and the effect of them comes to naught, it is necessary to stop taking. Many patients prefer, in the treatment of Gilbert's syndrome, to replace phenobarbital with drugs containing it, but with a milder effect, such as Corvalol or Valocordin.
  2. Acceleration of absorption and excretion of bilirubin (intake of diuretics and activated carbon).
  3. Injections of albumin, which bind bilirubin, already circulating in the blood.
  4. Admission of B vitamins.
  5. Reception of hepatoprotectors to maintain liver function.
  6. Reception of choleretic preparations during exacerbation of symptoms.
  7. Compliance with a diet with the least possible intake of complex fats, preservatives, alcohol.
  8. Avoiding situations that aggravate symptoms (infections, stress, fasting, excessive physical exertion, drugs that negatively affect the liver).

Diet in Gilbert's syndrome

In the treatment of Gilbert's syndrome, one of the key positions is proper nutrition.

Products that are uniquely contraindicated to all patients with such a diagnosis, does not exist. In each case, such a set can be individual. So, practically in all patients with Gilbert's syndrome, alcohol consumption causes a sharp aggravation of symptoms, but there are cases when this does not happen.

Also, fasting and a protein-free diet are contraindicated in patients. Seafood, eggs, dairy products must be included in the diet necessarily. And from excessively fatty and fried foods it is better to refuse, since it adversely affects the liver.

In addition, long breaks are unacceptable, followed by heavy eating. The food should be regular, preferably in small fractions, but up to 5 times a day.

Treatment of Gilbert's syndrome with folk remedies

As already mentioned, although the disease does not lead to physical discomfort, its external manifestations are often caused by psychological inconveniences. To combat jaundice in Gilbert's syndrome, you can use not only medicines, but also herbal treatment, the use of choleretic teas, decoctions that help purify and improve the activity of the liver.

These include:

It is advisable to alternate or accept special herbs. Also in the case of milk thistle, the oil of this plant has a good effect.