Prevention of glaucoma

Since glaucoma is increased by intraocular pressure due to poor outflow of fluid from the cells in the eyeball, blood circulation is disrupted, the optic nerve is damaged, prevention should be aimed at reducing the pressure, preventing an increase in the total amount of fluid in the body, which will fall in organs of sight.

Risk factors and prevention of glaucoma

There are a number of factors that contribute to the onset or progression of glaucoma:

Also on the development of glaucoma affect other eye diseases:

Prevention of glaucoma of the eye includes simple measures. It should be:

  1. Get rid of smoking.
  2. Limit consumption of tea and coffee.
  3. Do not overdo physically.
  4. Do not tilt your head low.
  5. Refuse from a long stay in the sauna and sauna.
  6. Observe the correct diet.
  7. Eat all sorts of berries, also beans, cereals, fish, seafood, nuts.
  8. Limit the time spent at the computer and TV.
  9. Make daily walks in the fresh air.

You can also do yoga, contrast hardening of the body, therapeutic massage.

Folk remedies for the prevention of glaucoma

Traditional medicine helps only at the initial stage of glaucoma development, but do not neglect its prescriptions to prevent the onset of the disease. For example, the use of blueberries is useful for everyone, including children. You can make lotions from decoction of fennel seeds.