Homeopathy - drugs

Homeopathy can be regarded as a kind of alternative medicine, in which similar treatment is similar. At the heart of homeopathic preparations is the repeated dilution of the main active substance with water, because of which the substance does not accumulate in the body, does not lead to allergic reactions and has a minimal spectrum of side effects.

Is homeopathic treatment effective?

First and foremost, it should be noted that it is optimal to combine homeopathic remedies with drugs that are used to treat the disease in classical medicine. Homeopathy can not replace basic treatment in some cases, but it is an excellent additional remedy that stimulates the body to recover.

An important role is played by the qualification of the doctor who agreed to try to eliminate the disease with the help of homeopathic remedies, since the action of these drugs individually for each organism and for their proper administration requires a large medical experience.

When a person can not take strong drugs (because of old age or childhood, during pregnancy), then homeopathy is the only way to solve the problem.

How to choose a homeopathic remedy?

  1. Classic selection. Since the compatibility of homeopathic preparations in each individual organism is difficult to predict, it is optimal to choose one that is similar in its effect to the main symptoms of the disease.
  2. Constitutional. In this case, the doctor selects the drug based on the constitutional features of the body, as homeopaths have long noted that the same medicine affects different physiological types differently: one it helps against many diseases, and for others it is ineffective.
  3. Selection by one sign. If the disease is characterized by a single bright sign (for example, migraine), it is possible that the homeopath will use a drug directed only at this symptom.
  4. Individual preparation. One of the most effective directions of homeopathy is the creation for the patient of a drug consisting of several monopreparations. Often, this method is used in the case of complex diseases, when the pathology led to failure in different body systems.

Homeopathic remedies for various diseases

Before proceeding with the description, we should note that homeopathic preparations should be selected individually, and the information listed below is preliminary.

Homeopathic remedies for mastopathy: Mastodynon, Cyclodynon, Mamoclam. Mastodinone and Cyclodinone contribute to the normalization of the hormone prolactin, the excess of which often contributes to the development of mastopathy, and Mamoclam regulates the function of the thyroid gland (it is based on the extract of kelp algae).

Homeopathic preparations for myoma: Galium - Heel, Hormeel S. If myoma is accompanied by thyroid dysfunction, then Thyreoidea compositum is additionally prescribed. Galium-Heel is used to prevent precancerous diseases, and Gormel adjusts the menstrual cycle.

Homeopathic preparations for sinusitis: Eucalyptus, Bryonia, Hepar sulfur. Eucalyptus is prescribed with a heavily embedded nose, Hepar Sulfate with a purulent form of the disease, and Bryonia is effective for relieving inflammation.

Homeopathic remedies for angina: Myristica, Belladonna. Belladonna relieves pain and acute inflammatory condition, and Myristika helps the body to purify itself of purulent formations, because of which the temperature and other unpleasant symptoms of the disease go faster.

Homeopathic remedies for endometriosis: Actaea racemosa. Actaea racemosis is used as a means to improve the menstrual cycle. Treatment with homeopathy of this disease is not limited to one - the rest are selected depending on the constitutional type of patient.

Homeopathic remedies for bronchitis: Kalium bichromicum, Antimonium tartaricum. Kalium bichromicum facilitates the separation of phlegm, and Antimonium tartaricum is used if sputum makes breathing difficult.

Homeopathic remedies for migraine: Aconitum napellus, Belladonna, Bryonia. Aconite hood protects people from sudden attacks of pain, when the head seems to be clamped in a vice. Belladonna is effective in pulsating pain, and Bryonia for right-sided migraine.

Homeopathic remedies for asthma: Dulcamara, Sambucus, Tabacum. Tabakum is used if attacks are accompanied by dizziness and nausea, Sambucus - if asthma is accompanied by fear and seizures occur at night, and Dulcamara cures seizures that occur in damp and cold weather.