How to cook apricot jam?

Apricot jam is perhaps one of the most popular sweet billets after a variety of preserves from berries. Details on how to cook apricot jam in different manners in the following recipes.

How to cook apricot jam with seeds?

The least effort will require the preparation of jam from apricots with bones. All the preparation of the fruit in this case is reduced to a simple bulkhead and washing, after which you can immediately start cooking. The prepared jam will be a golden apricot syrup with dense pieces of fruit, full of flavor and summer taste.



In order to maximize the fruit soaked in syrup, we will brew them in several approaches. Between each approach the workpiece will be completely cooled.

Fill the apricots with sugar, pour a little water and add the juice of a couple of lemons. For a more pronounced citrus flavor, the billet can also be flavored with citrus peel. Leave everything cooked with constant stirring until the sugar dissolves completely and the syrup boils. Cover the container with apricots and leave for 6 hours. Repeat the procedure two more times. After the last boil, place the jam over the sterile container and roll it up.

How to cook apricot jam without seeds?

The most universal is apricot jam, cooked from a single pulp and not containing bones. For this recipe, you can use both apricots alone and their mixture with other fruits, such as nectarines or peaches.



Start preparing the fruits with their bulkheads and pitting. Flesh divide into pieces of arbitrary shape and size. Place the fruits in enameled dishes, pour sugar and squeeze out the citrus juice. If desired, and if available, you can add the contents of the dishes to a pair of cut vanilla pods.

How much to cook apricot jam, that was thick depends on how large you cut the fruit. If you want to achieve a uniform consistency of jam, then keep the mixture over a small fire for two hours, and check the readiness by dropping the jam on an ice saucer: if the drop freezes, it is ready.

How much to cook apricot jam for the winter lobules?

Close apricot lobules can be separately, together with the nucleoli of the fruit bones or almond leaves. We decided on the last option.



Separate apricot lobules from the stone. In the enameled dishes, add sugar, add lemon juice and cut vanilla pods. Immediately follow the apricots, and then place everything above the medium fire and cook until boiling. Leave the jam overnight, boil it again in the morning, boil for 10 minutes, put almond petals and start to roll in cans.

If you do not know how to cook apricot jam in a multivark, then repeat the procedure in the "Quenching" mode.