What is useful for apricots for the body?

Healing properties of apricot have been used for thousands of years. So, in the Chinese folk medicine, widely used bones of fruits - they, it turns out, help with cough and hiccup (as a sedative), with bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, nephritis and whooping cough. In addition, the bones are very tasty - they are fried and eaten like ordinary nuts, to taste they are closest to almonds.

What vitamins are in apricots?

However, the composition of the fruits of the apricot is much richer than bones - a bright orange color should tell us about the presence of vitamin A. Thanks to the large content of carotene, apricots become a preventive product in our diet against cancer of the bladder, throat, esophagus. Surprisingly, but to cover the daily requirement for vitamin A, it is enough just to eat 5-6 fruits of fresh apricot, or about 15 pieces. dried apricots.

But besides this, the presence of potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium also provides the health benefits of apricot. Due to the high content of biologically active substances, having eaten a couple of fruits, we quickly feel saturated, although the calorie content of the fruit is only 41 kcal per 100 g.

Let's take a look at what apricots are useful for the body:

Apricots with diet

There are special apricot mono-diets, the essence of which is the use of soup-puree from freshly squeezed apricot juice and dried apricots. However, this product is too "vitamin" for our body, therefore, it can easily cause allergies. Much more reasonable and useful to simply include both apricot and dried apricots in your daily diet as a tasty and dietary dessert.