Why is carbonated water harmful?

Everyone likes carbonated water - adults and children alike. It is proved that it quenches thirst much better than plain water, and is also in most cases safe, because bacteria can not reproduce in it. But is it worth including this drink in your diet?

Is carbonated mineral water harmful?

There is natural carbonated mineral water , and it is recognized as the most useful of all, because it contains the maximum amount of mineral substances. However, the situation is somewhat different with those of the mineral water, which is aerated in production conditions.

Small bubbles of gas stimulate the secretion of acid, which causes an increase in its level, followed by bloating. If you already have high acidity or there are diseases of the stomach and intestines, before using mineral water, it is best to shake it and leave it for a while without a lid to allow the gas to come out.

Many people think that carbonated water is good for losing weight, however, this is not entirely true. In the period of weight loss it is recommended to drink simple drinking water, and preferably in sufficient quantity - not less than a liter or two per day.

Sweet soda water - harm or benefit?

Sweet soda, in addition to those minuses that carries in itself any soda water, conceals the danger of sugar in itself. It is known that in a favorite of many Coca-Cola for each glass of the drink is at least 5 tablespoons of sugar! This provokes rapid tooth decay and causes severe damage to the liver and the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Another negative component of soda is chemical additives: these are dyes, and flavors, and flavor enhancers. In many sodas there is also phosphoric acid, which provokes the appearance of kidney stones.