Herring - calorie content

Herring is a genus of edible fish of the Seldev family, an object of mass fishing, a valuable food product available. Herring of various species live mainly in the northern part of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, in the Arctic Ocean. There are also species that can live in both sea and fresh water (they migrate through the mouths of rivers).

About the benefits of a familiar and wonderful fish

Herring fillet is a useful and nutritious product containing substances necessary for the human body. In the flesh of herring (different species, sex, place and time of catch) contains on average about 16-19% protein, up to 25% fat, and therefore omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are the best natural antioxidants. Also, herring is rich in vitamins A, E, D, PP and group B, various trace elements (including phosphorus, calcium and iodine compounds). Regular inclusion of well-prepared herring in the menu contributes to optimizing the cardiovascular, nervous, and digestive systems of the human body, improves the immune status, improves vision, gland function, skin and nails. Consumption of light-salted, marinated or boiled herrings in pregnant women in reasonable quantities (not more than 500 g per week) has a beneficial effect both on the state of health of the future mother and on the development of the fetus.

Caloric content of herring

Calorie content of herring depends on the fat content of a particular specimen, but is generally determined by the species, sex, place and time of the catch. On average, the caloric content of the herring can range from 88 to 250 kcal per 100 g of product.

Herring is usually sold:

If the herring is salted, it can be soaked in milk or boiled water. Smoked herring is not useful in principle, you can afford only a couple of pieces once a month.

Freshly frozen herring can be prepared independently in various healthy ways:

Solim or marinate gutted herring for at least 2 days (unbroken - no less than 5).

The caloric content of the finished herring depends on the method of preparation.

Here are the values ​​of approximate calories per 100 g of finished fish: