Which products contain silicon?

If you are looking for a source of silicon, then you are thinking about its deficit. However, did you know that after silicon, in the atmosphere and the earth's crust, silicon is the most important? How then does its deficit arise? About what products contain silicon, why we do not have enough of this common microelement, and also about its functions in our body, we'll talk further.


Silicon is all that is associated with the connective tissue. With a shortage of silicon, the vessels lose their elasticity, their structure is broken, and various types of cardiovascular diseases occur. With a silicon deficiency, there is a risk of developing tuberculosis, as pulmonary alveoli lose their strength.

Silicon is bound to the strength of our bones. Therefore this microelement is especially important for children, teenagers, and also for women in pleasant expectation.

Silicon is essential for our hair, nails and skin elasticity.

The constant use of products rich in silicon lowers the risk of developing nervous disorders, since silicon removes nervous excitability and conducts depolarization of nervous synapses.

With age, the content of silicon in our body falls, and therefore, it is necessary to increase the consumption of food containing silicon.

Silicon is a key element in the prevention of osteoporosis, in other words, osteoporosis develops precisely with a deficiency of silicon.

As for weight loss, silicon is necessary for carbohydrate and protein metabolism. It improves the absorption of food , and also binds dangerous toxins and removes from the body harmlessly.

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We have already mentioned that silicon is more than enough in our environment. However, we can not eat sand, clay, rocks - and this, however ridiculous, is silicon of pure water. Therefore, we need "adapters" - creatures that from inorganic silicon recreate the organic. Such "adapters" for us are all kinds of plants, grasses and grasses. Plants absorb silicon from the earth and use it to divide the cells. We eat these cells.

The highest content of silicon in plant foods, moreover, silicon in meat is not only not digested, but also prevents the assimilation of this trace element from other sources.

In search of silicon, start with cereals - their husks contain it in more than sufficient quantities, but this means that you will have to buy unrefined and not refined varieties of cereals: raw wild rice, coarse flour, oats (not oat flakes), buckwheat, rye , barley, corn, millet.

Also, one can not do without vegetables - all green vegetables will be used here:

As for the fruit, the silicon content in them is very low. But some dried fruits will help us with a silicon deficit - dried apricots, figs and raisins. But you can safely eat any root vegetables with full confidence that you consume silicon.

In meat and fish there is also silicon, but in an insignificant amount, and as already mentioned, he, in addition, is even worse absorbed.

Also a good source of silicon will be the most common herbs, which can easily be purchased at any pharmacy:

Silicon Water

The best source of silicon is the water that is saturated with it. If you drink this water at 1.5-2 liters per day, you can forget about the deficit. In order to prepare it, you should take a stone of silicone opal-chalcedony type and put in a container of water. We insist water for several days in a dark place, and then boldly use it. The silicon stone should be kept clean and used only for these purposes.