How many boiled eggs can you eat per day?

Before you get an unambiguous answer to this question, you need to analyze a few important facts about eggs. This topic remains relevant for a long time, so, some say that you can eat 1-2 eggs a week, others - you can eat eggs without restrictions.

Everyone, like any member of our society, has his point of view. Having studied a large amount of information on how much you can eat boiled eggs, you can come to the conclusion that both are right. Everyone has his own norm. What is the basis of this point of view?

  1. First, chicken eggs are useful. This statement is devoted to more than one scientific article. Therefore, you just need to eat boiled eggs!
  2. Secondly, no dietary dish or weight loss program can not do without protein, since it promotes natural weight loss
  3. Third, every year, every inhabitant of our planet uses about 200 eggs on average. Continuing to discuss the question of how much you can eat boiled eggs, you should pay attention to the following fact: the minimum number of eggs (150 pieces) per year is eaten by Americans, as they try to avoid food saturated with cholesterol, but the maximum number of eggs per year ( 350 pieces!) Eat up the Japanese. And now, attention, the question: "Which country's inhabitants most often suffer from obesity and diabetes?" Another plus in favor of eating eggs.
  4. Fourth, athletes experience great physical exertion. Therefore, they need more than ordinary people to replenish in the body supplies of nutrients and trace elements, which are rich in eggs.

How much can you eat boiled eggs a day a healthy person?

Nutritionists recommend eating no more than 1 boiled egg a day. Thus, the norm of the cholesterol obtained from food will not be exceeded. The egg contains about 350 mg, and a day a person can get no more than 400 mg. We draw your attention to the fact that the cholesterol contained in the egg is a food for the human nerve cells. In addition, the protein is much more useful than the yolk. Therefore, in the day you can safely eat 3-4 protein. Accordingly, the norm is 3-5 eggs a week.

How many boiled eggs can you eat a week for children?

The protein simply needs to be given to children, as it promotes the proper development of the child's body. It consists of microelements that increase the immunity , beneficial effect on the skin condition. Do not forget that eggs are a product categorically contraindicated to allergies. Therefore, children under the age of 1 should receive eggs for food strictly on the advice of a doctor. Children 1-6 years of age can eat no more than two eggs a week. After 6 years, you can eat no more than 4 eggs a week.