How to make a fence by yourself?

If you have a plot, it is only natural that you want to fence it with a fence . Or maybe you want to build a low fence inside the site in order to divide it into separate zones. And you probably need knowledge of how to make a beautiful decorative wooden fence with your own hands.

In the article with step-by-step photo-instructions, you will probably get enough useful information for yourself to make a fence without involving specialists.

How to make a fence of wood with your own hands?

Very good, if there are already bars on your site from the old fence. Otherwise, you will need to enter them into the ground. In our case, there are already metal round bars on which the mesh-netting was previously fastened. We removed the net, and we will fasten the guides to the posts - wooden bar strips. For this we use galvanized corners and screws.

As the main building material we take a beam of 50x50 mm and boards of 45x20 mm with a length of 3 m.

Previously, they need to be painted, because at this stage it will be easier than after mounting. We use for this "Penotex", although you can choose any other paint. The advantage of the "Penotex" is that it simultaneously colors and protects the tree from pests and moisture (acts as an antiseptic), and the final result when using the shade "Teak tree" resembles the effect of stain.

First, stack the boards with a pile and paint the sides - this greatly speeds up the process. We also pay great attention to painting the ends of the boards. From the quality of their processing depends the longevity of the service of the entire fence. So you can not feel sorry for the paint. We paint the ends with promiscuous movements, as if pushing the paint into all the irregularities of the wood.

When our boards are painted on all sides and dried well, they need to be cut in half - the height of our fence will be 1.5 m. To do this, first mark them, then use a jig saw or saw to saw.

Do not forget to process the ends obtained after cutting.

Our boards are ready, and we begin to fasten them to the guides with the help of a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Choose the distance between them at your discretion. The main thing is that they are the same, for which advance mark the guides.

Periodically check the level of the fence with a level.

As a result, you get such a nice wooden fence. As you can see, making a fence with your own hands is not at all difficult.