Cubes of Gienesh

Modern moms are actively interested in methods of developing babies. The Gienesh system is aimed at developing in the game form the child's logical abilities, creativity, attention. The material for classes is a set of blocks in the form of geometric figures, which differ in size, color, shape, and thickness. Invented the methodology Zoltan Gyenesh - Hungarian mathematician and psychologist. Classes on his system may be of interest to children of different ages, since they imply a variety of games.

Introduction to logical blocks

Logical cubes of Gyenes can not simply be given to crumbs for independent games. To begin with, you should learn the contents of the kit together. In the complete set of only 48 figures and among them there are no completely identical. In order for the baby to be interested in considering a new toy, one should take advantage of these tips:

Such classes are suitable for different ages, but parents need to orientate their child. For younger preschoolers, it is best to beat the exercises in the form of a fairy tale.

Comparisons and logical operations

For further studies, you should complicate the tasks. At this stage, the following games are interesting:

The development cubes of Gyenes can be supplemented with special albums, which greatly diversify the classes. These manuals include exercises of various levels of complexity, including labyrinths, riddles, games. Mom can correct tasks or come up with new ones. Dice games will be a good option for family leisure, and they can take a few guys, for example, if the child came to visit friends.

The cost of Gyenesh blocks is low and they are available for most families. You can buy them in many children's shops or online.