3d fence

3d fences are an innovative solution designed to counterbalance the deaf metal, wooden and concrete fences. Lightweight mesh designs pass air well, do not interfere with the penetration of sunlight, create a sense of spaciousness. And unlike forged fences, they are much cheaper.

Features and benefits of 3d fences for summer residence

In the classical sense of 3d the fence is a metal mesh structure made of galvanized or polymer coated steel rods. Its peculiarity is in the presence of V-shaped bends, which are necessary for making the structure more rigid.

The fence consists of mesh sections with a width of 2.5 m, equipped with horizontal ribs. The cell size, as a rule, is 5x20 cm, and the diameter of the rod varies within the limits of 3.7-5 mm. These sections are attached to the support poles without welding to special brackets.

Advantages of 3d fences in ease of installation. In fact, the main time and effort is spent on installing supports. But for fixing the grid, you will not need any special equipment, no equipment, no specialists.

The fenced fence will become a reliable protection against animals and unwanted visitors. Moreover, there are sharp spiers on the top of the fence. The design itself has established itself as a reliable and wear-resistant product that will stand for decades.

If desired, you can combine a lattice 3d fence with polycarbonate, as is often done with forged fences. This will provide additional security and hide from the eyes of the enclosed territory.

3d fences from the fence

Another type of 3d fence - from a metal fence with a figured cut. This fence is no less convenient: it is easy to transport, easy to install, reliable and beautiful.

Among the types of profiles offered by manufacturers are rectangular, round, M-shaped and U-shaped. And to complete the selection of the fence of the 3d-fence it is necessary to purchase poles and logs. The recommended number of pins per 1 running meter is 6-7 pieces, depending on their width and type of cut.

From the advantages of 3d fence from the fence:

Wooden 3d fence

Conditionally three - dimensional wooden fences can be considered all those that go beyond the framework of flat two-dimensional structures. For example, braided vertically or horizontally fences from boards, chess fences or fences from wooden boards of an interesting volumetric form.

Such fences are good for those who are adherents of everything natural, while wanting to move away from traditional wooden barriers. Look 3d fences made of wood very aesthetically and unusually. At the same time, they are environmentally friendly, although they require additional processing to extend the service life and give additional attractiveness.