Suspended bed

The design of the bedroom is an integral part of the design of the apartment as a whole. And make it especially original will help the use of unusual designs - such as, for example, a hanging bed. It is attached to the ceiling, and sometimes also to the wall. It can be hung on long cables or placed directly under the ceiling, and then it will be an overhead loft bed.

There are many types of hanging beds. They differ in form: they are round and rectangular, with or without borders.

You can buy a children's hanging bed and a berth for adults.

Differing suspension beds and the number of beds: they are single and double.

And the choice of a particular model already depends on the personal amenities and preferences of its owner.

Such furniture is most often bought by those who are attracted by non-standard solutions for the home. Hanging beds are a practical solution for a small apartment or for a cottage or a country house.

The hanging bed, like any other, has its own disadvantages - let's talk about them.

Disadvantages of the hanging bed and its advantages

A bed suspended from the ceiling has no legs, so that the space beneath it always remains visible. It can be designed with the help of a spotlight or an unusual floor covering. But use the space under the bed as a useful area (pantry) will not work.

Each movement of a person lying on such a bed will be transferred to the very structure that will begin to swing. On the one hand, many like it, because a slight rocking of the bed lulled, but on the other - to climb on such a bed without some skill is not quite convenient.

The obvious disadvantage of hanging beds is the complexity of their manufacture and, accordingly, the price. Such a sleeping place will cost significantly more than, say, a normal sofa bed. However, the suspension box has its undeniable advantages: